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War & Peace by John Lockley
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

There is chaos in the hearts of man. And our chaos spreads like a virus into the natural world resulting in species extinction and unimaginable environmental destruction. It’s hard to conceive of war on the level of World War One & Two with millions of deaths and untold destruction. As we witness the recent war in Gaza and Ukraine, we are all called to ponder the question of ‘Why’? And is it necessary to resort to violence in order to be seen and heard? How can we fulfil our role as custodians of this planet and rightful guardians of the plant and animal worlds? It is clear that we need to face our own darkness and explore our inner shadows meticulously and be aware of what we might project onto people we perceive as other or different. In South Africa we have had many lessons around this from the last few hundred years since the start of colonisation, then apartheid and now democratic South Africa.
For those of us who study nature and have learnt to befriend the changing seasons we know that chaos is part of change and transformation. A thunderstorm brings lightning and rain. The rain nourishes the land and makes new life possible. In order to bring peace to our world we need to befriend our inner weather, and ride the storms of shadow energies involving turbulent emotions like anger and resentment. What do we do when these energies seek to overwhelm us? Attack another, ourselves or transmute them into something more productive? Anger is a powerful emotion that can help us transform the living fabric of society. But to do it effectively requires discernment and respect. First, we need to respect ourselves and not give in to our inner critic and when we find ourselves in conflict with others, we need to also hold a space in our hearts for respecting them. In martial arts from the far east like Karate in Japan, opponents begin and end their match with bowing to each other.
I recall a story of Nelson Mandela years ago who was televised in his meeting with the heads of the Palestinian and Israeli youth leagues. They asked him how he managed to create peace in South Africa. He was very matter of fact and recounted his talks with FW De Klerk in the early years. He said they would start each day shaking one another’s hands and having a cup of coffee together. During the course of the day, they would argue with one another and sometimes it would get quite heated. The Youth league presidents asked him if he ever felt like giving up. He said, “no”, because he and Mr FW De Klerk were aware that millions of South Africans were counting on them to find a peaceful solution. It wasn’t personal. No matter how difficult their day was they would always say good bye in an amicable and courteous manner.
In order to understand Mandela’s diplomacy and humanitarianism we need to explore an important aspect of his journey. Many people might not be aware of Nelson Mandela’s personal journey around his struggle with anger and hatred over white rule and lengthy incarceration. He recounts his story in his autobiography ‘A long walk to freedom’. He said that one night before he went to sleep a voice said to him “Nelson your anger can kill you”. And when he woke the next morning he remembered this voice and the next thing he heard was “…you need to befriend the enemy”. These thoughts were going through his mind when the white jailer unlocked his jail cell. All he said to him was, “what made you decide to become a jailer and join the correctional services?” The guard was a young white man and told Mandela he didn’t have a choice because his father died when he was only 15 years old and he had to get a job to help support his mother and four younger siblings. This shocked Mandela because he thought all white people were privileged. He realised in their discussion that he grew up with more privilege because when his father died when he was seven years old, he was brought up in the royal household of the Prince of the Xhosa nation. This enabled him to go to university and become a lawyer. He only knew apartheid when he was twenty-one years old. He asked the young jailer where he grew up. The man replied that his family have a farm in the Eastern Cape. Mandela was surprised and told him that he too was from the Eastern Cape. He then asked him in IsiXhosa if he understood the Xhosa language, and the young jailer replied “ewe, ndiyasaze isiXhosa!” Yes, I know Xhosa. And they finished their conversation in Mandela’s home language, isiXhosa. When Mandela became president of South Africa his young jailer friend was sitting next to him as they had become close friends over many years.

Traditional Zen garden
I took part in a traditional Zen Buddhist retreat in the early 1990’s in a temple in South Korea. The Berlin Wall had just fallen a few years previously resulting in the end of the cold war. There were many ex-soldiers on my retreat from East Germany, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and myself from South Africa. We all meditated like soldiers with discipline and a hunger to find peace within amidst the trauma of our collective experiences. During the 100 days retreat we became like brothers as we sought to befriend our inner demons and the cold of a Korean winter. I had never seen so much snow before. Sometimes our Zen Master would usher us outside at ten o’clock at night to sweep the temple grounds before the old people visited the temple in the early hours. One particularly cold night as the Siberian winds ushered in fresh snow the Grand Master, Seung Sahn was giving a dharma talk. He finished his talk with asking us if we had any questions. Everyone was silent, and then a young Californian woman said, “what do we do when the devil comes knocking?” Seung Sahn replied in his jovial way, “Ahhh, the devil! Well, ask the devil if he would like a cup of tea.” In life we our constantly fighting and blaming the devil for all of mankind’s problems. His answer was a quintessential zen reply. Respect all of life, including the devil. It doesn’t mean we need to side with the devil, but rather take a pause, reflect, bow and listen. This brings to mind a traditional Zen Garden with stones and sand in harmony. Listening within brings about spaciousness. As we meditate on the stones and the sand, we start to befriend the opposites of light and dark within us. Nothing is wholly good or bad, light or dark. It is our reactions that make it so.
Many people are speaking about the war in Ukraine and Gaza while the hidden war against animals and nature continues unabated. As humanity fights with one another and with issues of power, powerlessness, wealth and poverty, the natural world is dying. What can individuals do? As a traditional South African healer or Sangoma the answer is simple; we need to connect to our own ‘Ubuntu’ (humanity). This involves befriending our ancestors and our inner demons or conflicts. Ubuntu is a circle and speaks about the importance of all of us to hold hands and embrace our collective humanity. In traditional Xhosa and Zulu culture every human being is seeing as being related when you go back far enough. Why? Because we all have red blood and this blood or life force is transferable from person to person regardless of creed, culture or skin colour. We are the natural guardian and custodians of planet earth. We have an unassailable duty and responsibility to all of life on earth. The animals and plants are counting on us to respect life. And when we look closely at the natural world, we see the teachings of mutual respect and understanding shining back at us. Plants are wonderful teachers and demonstrate unconditional love in their offerings to the world of medicinal plants that spread healing and harmony.
In order to heal our world, we need to look into the past and see how our ancestors dealt with chaos, whether environmental or man-made. We are lucky in Africa to still retain a connection to our distant past. Southern Africa is thought by many anthropologists to be the birthplace of mankind. Our ancient ancestors are thought to be a small band of hunter gatherers or San Bushmen that inhabited the coastal regions of South Africa. They left their mark with numerous rock art paintings highlighting their incredible spiritual and tracking talents. They are the spiritual ancestors of current sangoma or African shamanic lineages in Southern Africa and represent what is possible when we connect to our spirit through trance dancing, plant medicine and following the tracks of animals in the sand. We are part of nature and in order to heal our environment and prevent species extinction we need to learn the language of nature.
I was on a recent ‘Dreams and Tracking retreat in the Kalahari Desert’ and I was speaking to one of our Bushman trackers about healing and dreams. In my experience as a sangoma I have encountered many people who are not remembering or connecting to their dreams. As we walked through the bush together, hundreds of kilometres away from modernity, I asked him if he could recommend any plants that can help people to remember their dreams and connect to their ancestors. The reason being, as a sangoma we believe that as people connect to their dreams and ancestors then they connect to their ‘Ubuntu’ (humanity), and balance and harmony is returned to the circle of life. The Bushman tracker walked past a shrub, stopped, and broke a piece off and placed it in his mouth. He then smiled in a gentle way and told me about this plant. He said that this particular medicinal plant was very powerful because it can heal conflict in the community. If people are struggling with one another in the community, they bite a piece off and spit it on the ground between them. This will help reduce the conflict and spread harmony. At this time the Ukraine war had just started thousands of kilometres away. The bees were going about their business pollinating flowers, and an interesting flock of birds were gravitating around a nearby bush speaking in the language of nature that we were trying to understand.
One of the Bushman elders started to speak in an animated way with the young tracker and they were pointing at me. The elder then approached me and asked me if he could participate in my ‘shrine tent activities’. He had heard about this white sangoma and wanted to see what I do. I was overjoyed and said, “yes of course, join anytime”. Every year on my Kalahari retreats I create a shrine tent for 7 days in the bush. It is a place where I teach people ‘inner tracking skills’; in particular how to connect to ancestors, dreams and ‘ubuntu’, the circle of life. The next day the Bushman elder called Gqikau joined our shrine tent with about 10 or more of his family/ community members. I beat my sangoma drum and we danced and sang together. I explained how I teach people how to pray in the sangoma way and then we all prayed together. It was a beautiful blend of different languages and cultures. The birds took a flight closer to see what was going on. The bushman band said that people visit them from all over the world but never tell them about their lives only asking many questions about them and how they live. They said they were curious about modern people and how they experienced life. I thanked them for their comment and then we went around the room and each retreat participant gave their name and where they came from in the world. People listened to one another. We then spoke about what was happening in the world, and one of the bushman ladies said the biggest problem she has noticed is that people are becoming selfish, they don’t want to share. We compensated for this by listening deeper and bridging our ancient and modern worlds.

John and San Bushmen elder Gqikau on retreat in the Kalahari desert in 2023
At the end of our ceremony in the bush I offered Gqikau one of my sangoma fabrics which I draped over his shoulders. At the same time, I noticed a vulture flying towards us, low, almost touching the trees, and then flying over our heads. This was a wonderful sign, as vultures often represent transformation. Sangomas view them as powerful healers, with the ability to transform poison and negativity. This was a realisation of a vision I had for many years, of ancient and modern people sitting around a fire revisioning our humanity.
Excerpt from Odyssey magazine article, summer edition 2023-2024, Click here to view.
Ubuntu in the New South Africa

Ubuntu Retreat 2022 at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo, South Africa. Sangomas practicing Ubuntu around the ceremonial altar.
Ubuntu is an old South African word meaning ‘humanity’. I just completed my 7th year of Ubuntu retreats at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo. The numbers of retreatants have steadily grown over the years. I felt priveliged to teach the old teachings of Ubuntu that was taught to me through my Xhosa sangoma apprenticeship. My Xhosa elders speak about ‘Ubuntu Ubunzulu’, the depth of humanity teachings. It starts with the individual person. We are all born human, however the elders say that we have to make a decision to become a human being. In the isiXhosa & isiZulu languages they speak about ‘umntu, ngumntu, ngabantu’. A person becomes a person through other people. As we listen to one another and engage with acts of kindness, consideration and empathy we feed our human family and ourselves.
Ubuntu is a circle of interconnectivity beginning with the human world and stretching into nature. The more harmonious and balanced the human world the more opportunity we have to help our non human families, animals and plants. The Ubuntu circle stretches upwards into the future with our current actions affecting the next generations, and it also stretches backwards in time to our ancestors. In South Africa we have many words for our ancestors, abazali bam (our parents), abantu badala (the old people) and one of my favourites, amathambo (bones, representing our bone people). There is an implicity responsibility to remember and honour our ancestors. As we do this we strengthen ‘isidima’ or dignity, facilitating a deeper sense of ‘Ubuntu’ and the interconnectivity of the human and non human lives on our planet.
I recorded a few of these teachings whilst leading the 3 day retreat in Ixopo at the Buddhist Retreat Centre. Please click the links below to access the youtube videos.
A discussion on the 3 jewels of Buddhism vs traditional Ubuntu practice in South Africa.
A talk on developing an Ubuntu practice with emphasis placed on Dreams, Ancestors & personal responsibility.
Leopard Medicine in the USA
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

I have just arrived in Fairfax near San Francisco for my seventh USA tour. My first tour was in 2009. I was called by the spirit of the black bear, renowned by the Cherokee as the guardian of the herbal medicine realm. And again last week I dreamt about this mystical creature, further inspiring me for this new tour.
Despite jet lag (an 8 hour time difference) and a terrible cold from London, I feel optimistic and excited about this year’s journey to the United States. My teachings will focus on helping people to connect to their ancestors and the natural world. I will use plant medicine (non-hallucinogenic) and dream work to facilitate these workshops, retreats and public talks. And for passion and inspiration I will use rhythm in the form of African dancing, drumming and chanting to enliven the spirit and open the hearts of all who attend.
I call my work ‘the way of the Leopard’ because the Leopard is one of the main totem animals for us (Sangomas) in Southern Africa. The Leopard represents pure instinct and encourages us humans to listen to the wind, our hearts and the world around us.
As I went to sleep last night I was disturbed by a sound on the roof. It was loud and disruptive, like cracking rocks. When I investigated I was delighted to see a mother deer and her fawn scampering under the trees. I then awoke to the sounds of hawks flying overhead and crying to one another. I took these signs to be good omens, indicating that the land was accepting me. Then I went to the nearby ‘Best Buy’ store to buy a sim card. My new no had 777 as part of it’s sequence. My lucky numbers! This sealed the deal. I’m sure my US tour will be a huge success!
Tonight I will be speaking for the first time in Oakland, near San Francisco. I will be joined by my assistant Seyta Selter and Kimberly Conner, a multimedia journalist from New York City, who will be documenting my work to share with people interested in natural medicine. Kimberly recently spent some time in South Africa working for one of our prestigious newspapers, the Mail & Guardian. She fell in love with the country and its people and was called to write a piece on the Sangoma culture. I feel honoured to help her with this task.
If you would like to join me tonight or take part in one of my events in the US please click here for more information about my US tour.
African Zen in Japan
I recently had the good fortune of being invited to Tokyo to lead retreats and give private sessions. My first introduction to Japanese mysticism and spirituality was at the age of 18 when I immersed myself in studying Soto Zen, a branch of Japanese Buddhism. I was taught how to clear my mind, find calmness in my breath, and energise my body through the beauty of nature. The teachers were kind and strict. I learnt the beauty of spiritual discipline. Now 20 years later I find myself full circle, back in Japan, and this time I was given an opportunity to give back to the Japanese people whose spiritual culture had inspired me years ago.

John in Japan
Whilst attending Buddhist ceremonies in Tokyo and surrounding areas I was delighted to find that I remembered some of the Heart Sutra (important Buddhist chant), and my spirit danced to the rhythmical cadence. I felt 'in sync' and in rhythm with the people. My translators and guides affirmed this by praising my flexibility and saying that it felt like I was Japanese. This warmed my heart.
After spending 18 years studying Sangoma medicine (African Shamanism) in my homeland, South Africa, it felt like a return to my spiritual roots, practicing in Japan. This helped affirm my conviction in our common human roots and how all spiritual disciplines are pointing in the same direction i.e. nature, transcendence, harmony and peace.
Japan is a wonderful mix of modern (Western) and traditional (Japanese) culture. Tokyo is by far the most serene and peaceful capital city that I have worked in so far. As I walked from my apartment near the French and German embassies, I experienced a sensory overload from my toes to the crown of my head. The heat was almost physical and it felt like I was walking in the karoo (semi-desert) in South Africa during a mid summers day. My ears were filled with the sound of cicadas chirping in a feverish way. They are called 'semis' in Japanese and only live for 24 hours. This seemed to encapsulate the intensity of their spirits, and made me appreciate the gift of life while I meandered through the streets of Tokyo.

Traditional Shinto temple
I was struck by an ancient Shinto temple shouldered against the side of the road only minutes away from my new home. People stopped and bowed reverently. Life stood still. I approached the temple and felt a sense of awe and serenity like I experienced in many old Buddhist temples in South Korea. A lion sphinx like creature stood guard as you crossed over the threshold and entered the temple grounds. Apparently it is suppose to be a fox. The night before I dreamt about a large fox in red that seemed to welcome me and 'opened the road for me'. My Japanese translator and friend said this was a good sign. The fox represents the spirits of nature in the Shinto faith and is highly revered as a guardian spirit.
I was shown how to clean my hands with water before approaching the shrine. People wash both hands in a mindful way and take a sip of water. The water fountain bubbled up and appeared in a shrine like structure with wooden cups used to collect the water. The cups had ancient Japanese writing inscribed on them and the surrounding water fountain. We then walked up a short flight of wooden steps clapped our hands and bowed a few times. This was to summon the nature spirits and bowing demonstrated humility. I watched people standing in stillness around me while they prayed quietly and focused their awareness on the shrine ahead. We bowed again, clapped and turned away from the shrine and left the temple grounds.
Japanese Shintoism and Sangoma Practice
The Japanese Shinto tradition is very similar to the Sangoma tradition in Southern Africa. As Sangomas we revere our Ancestors in terms of the 'Izinyanya', meaning the 'silent hidden ones' or spirits of nature. We have intricate ceremonies in the forest, near the sea, lakes and rivers where we pay homage to the spirits of nature in all it's forms. The same spirit of reverence and awareness is seen by Japanese people who practice the Shinto faith.
Sangomas always honour their blood ancestors who act as guardians and gatekeepers to the spirit world. The same could be said for the Shinto faith, which is one of the oldest traditions in Japan and most people practice it alongside their Buddhist faith. It rests on honouring one's ancestors and nature spirits. I found this incredibly similar to my own Sangoma practice. My Japanese clients and workshop participants had no problem understanding my speech about honouring ancestors and nature spirits. A number of them experienced powerful healings and dreams from the ceremonies they attended with me. My only advice or 'indaba' (spirit news or message) to them, was to remember their ancestors and the old traditions of their people. In this way It felt surprisingly similar to back home in South Africa, where I say the same thing to my countrymen from different Sangoma lineages. Modernisation is wonderful in making our lives easier through the use of mobile phones and computers. However, we have a responsibility to also be mindful of where we come from and remember our spiritual traditions.
Japan and South Africa are two areas in the word where ancient Shamanic earth honouring traditions are still alive and thriving; largely unbroken for hundreds of years. This is in stark contrast to other parts of the Western world like Europe and North America. One of the fastest spreading illnesses in the Western world is depression which speaks about soul loss. Traditional earth honouring cultures can teach all of us how to remember our humanity through revering the earth and one another in a subtle, beautiful and mindful way.
I look forward to returning to Japan again next year and to continue my world tour teaching people how to reconnect with themselves, one another and nature. There is so much life out there, from the sounds of the 'semis', to the swimming khoi, and eager faced young babies. When we breathe it all in, pause and breathe out slowly, there is no end to the wonder of this world.
More photos from Japan...
Upcoming travel...
Track animals on foot and learn how to connect with your Visions & Dreams in one of the wildest places left on earth. Take part in this bucket list retreat, Dreams & Tracking in the Kalahari Desert 2024 with John Lockley & Alwyn Myburgh.
Track animals on foot and learn how to connect with your Visions & Dreams in one of the wildest places left on earth. Take part in this bucket list retreat, Dreams & Tracking in the Kalahari Desert 2026 with John Lockley & Alwyn Myburgh.
African Zen - 'Ubuntu' in Action

Ixopo BRC

I just completed another retreat in Ixopo at the Buddhist retreat centre. We danced, sang, drummed and prayed. I was overjoyed to be joined by the Zulu cooking staff who helped keep the rhythms sweet and joyful. It is always such an honour for me to be able to share the wisdom of Sangoma culture with people. The Sangoma people of Southern Africa are equivalent to the Buddhist monks and nuns in the Far East. After my time in South Korea in the early 90's studying Korean Zen under the late Zen Master Su Bong, I discovered a number of similarities with my Sangoma colleagues in South Africa. The similarities involved an emphasis on prayer, humility and connecting with the divine through chanting. This included working together as a team, putting differences aside for the common good. In this way we all help to realise our ‘Ubuntu’, our humanity, and thus also our spiritual direction.

I was delighted to see the dedication of fellow South Africans to learn about Sangoma traditional culture. This is the future, and it gives me great hope. We had a number of elders with us who were over 80 years old. One of them said to me that this weekend retreat at the BRC in Ixopo was ‘a wish come true’ for her, and she quietly said that she had wanted to learn about Sangoma traditional culture her whole life, and now she had. She was very happy. This warmed my heart and inspired me to continue sharing the beauty of South African traditional medicine.
I will be back at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo again next year from the 15-17th January 2016, and I welcome all South Africans to join us.
John Lockley April 2015.
In Blogging Tags African Zen, Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, John Lockley, Sangoma Medicine, Ubuntu
Mandela Medicine in the USA
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

Mandela emancipated Africa and made African people everywhere stand tall with dignity and self respect. He made it possible for us to believe in ourselves and practice our old spiritual ways, the ways of our ancestors, the ways of Mother Africa. One of Mandela's core principles was 'Ubuntu' (humanity) and this ties in with his traditional background as a Xhosa man.
I am proud to be an adopted member of the Xhosa nation. As a traditionally trained Xhosa Sangoma, I teach the old ways of our people. One of our principle teachings is 'Ubuntu Ubunzulu', translated as 'the depth of humanity', meaning 'one blood', 'one humanity'. As we say in Xhosa 'if you cut my arm red blood flows; and if I cut your arm, red blood flows. We are all connected. There is only one Great Spirit and one human race. A core Xhosa saying is 'uthando lothando, ubuntu olothando'. Love is love, Humanity is love.
We believe that to be a human being is a wonderful and sacred job. Our forefathers like Mandela maintain that we are constantly realising our 'ubuntu'. We are constantly improving, by becoming more intuitive and more compassionate. Our original jobs as human beings is only service, 'how can I help you?'.
I will be teaching about Ubuntu as a way of reconnecting with our humanity. I will be in New York City and Asheville, NC. Through simple Xhosa songs, rhythms, drumming and stories, I intend to show people how they can reconnect with their own 'Ubuntu' and Ancestors.
As we focus on our blood and bones, so we energise our spirit, and we can walk as lions and leopards with dignity, love and self respect.
Do you want to learn the Mandela way? Then join me in New York City and Asheville, NC.
Written by John Lockley 9/5/2014
New York City
7th - 27th May
Public Talks/ Blessing Ceremonies
Thurs 8th - Metacenter, Manhattan, 7-9pm
Exchange: $30 at the door
Friday 9th - Golden Drum, Brooklyn, 8-9:30pm
Suggested Donation: $30
Wednesday 14th - The Fifth Line, Sterling pl
Exchange: $30 at the Door
I will perform an African Blessing ceremony with traditional Sangoma songs & rhythms. There will also be an opportunity for people to ask questions. A number of people have reported ancestral dreams after these sacred sound performances.
Weekend Workshop 17-18th - Golden Drum
'Way of the Leopard training'
Ceremony 1 - Opening the Door to your Destiny
Donation: Early Bird price $250 - March 2nd-April 30th. May price: $300
To Book: Contact Golden Drum
Private Sangoma Divinations/ Plant healing In New York City, Brooklyn
May: 10,11,12,13,15,20,21,22
I throw the bones in the traditional Sangoma way and work with ancient plant medicine from South Africa to help heal peoples' spirits.
The main focus of my work as a Sangoma is 'ukuvula indlela' which means 'to open the road', so my job is to literally help people find their road or life path.
As the bones fall they form a spiritual constellation of a person's life. This is helpful in pointing out areas of strength/ gifts and also where more work is needed.
Asheville, North Carolina 29th May - 3rd June
31st May - 1st June - Training weekend
'Way of the Leopard' 2 day ceremony
Ceremony 1 - Opening the door to your Destiny
Private Sangoma Sessions available upon request
Contact: Karyn Armstrong; karyn@harmonicvisions.com
Tel: 828-581-0230
Modern Shamanism & the Sangoma's Song
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
I was recently interviewed in New York City by Sam Liebowitz from Talking Alternatives radio. I was joined by my good friend, Itzhak Beery from the New York Shamanic Circle. We discussed the relevance of ancient shamanic practices for the modern world. I enjoyed the interview, and I hope you do too.
Link to Interview no longer available.
In Blogging Tags Ancestors, ancestrally trained, Dream Healer, dreams, indigenous healer, Itzhak Beery, John, Lockley, Nelson Mandela, New York Shamanic Circle, Sangoma, Shaman, Talking Alternatives, Xhosa, Xhosa Sangoma
Tribute to Mandela 1918-2013
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
As the sun sets on our first national day of mourning here in South Africa, I pause to reflect on an extraordinary human being, Nelson Mandela.
Words fail to describe the man we know as Nelson Mandela. As a traditional healer, Sangoma in Mandela’s tribe, the Xhosa nation, I look to nature as a source of renewal and strength. Yesterday I witnessed a bird die in a strange and tragic way. I felt that something powerful was going to happen and true enough on waking this morning I was told of Mr Mandela’s passing.
Mandela’s life was characterized by struggle and harmonized by love. Even though he was old, we ‘South African’s’ could never truly believe that one day he would die. His life and message held us all together. He gave us hope, and made us believe that one person can make a difference. His message of equality, freedom and love between all people on the planet has become a symbol of ultimate goodness for all of us.
Sadly I never met Mr Mandela, however those friends of mine who did describe him as a man of incredible goodness, humour, strength and dignity. He was as he appeared to be on TV, a man who ‘walked his talk’ and demonstrated his beliefs through his everyday actions.
When he was released from prison in 1990 we were all spell bound by his oratory gifts and whenever he spoke on TV we would crowd around and listen to him avidly. He made us laugh, cry and believe in ourselves. Mandela made us South Africans believe that we can love one another regardless of race, creed or ethnicity. That are future is bright and that we don’t have to live in fear of one another. He was funny and always surprised us when giving serious political talks. He would finish his talks with a human interest story of things that happened to him behind the political veil. We loved him all the more for this and we felt safe and secure in the future of South Africa.
In 1994 we held our first democratic elections. I was in South Korea at the time. I was invited to become a monk in a Zen Buddhist order by my grandmaster, Zen Master Seung Sahn Sunim. I declined, deciding to rather return to South Africa to follow my African calling and becoming an African monk, a Sangoma, traditional healer in the Xhosa nation. During South Africa it was illegal for a white person to walk around in the townships. These were strictly ‘black’ areas and unless you were in the army or police you had to have a special pass to walk in these areas. This made it near impossible for me to find my teacher and follow my calling to become a Sangoma. However after Nelson Mandela became president in 1994 everything changed, and the door to my work and life in townships around South Africa, swung open. I was greeted with warmth and love, like a lost son by my teacher Mum Ngwevu. When she asked me what took me so long to find her, I said, “Apartheid”. Her response was “Ah Thixo, enkosiam”. “Oh God, I’m so sorry!”. I feel a deep sense of gratitude towards Mr Mandela for making it possible for me to fulfil my destiny and calling to become a Xhosa Sangoma.
During the Apartheid years we were all imprisoned because we couldn’t express our human feelings for one another. No-one epitomized this more than Nelson Mandela. He came out of prison like a diamond from the roughest soil and taught us how to be human again without restrictions and fear. We will always honour his memory, and be forever blessed that he walked amongst us, and showed us how we can empower ourselves with dignity and grace. He set an example for us all to follow. Like many South Africans today I feel proud to have had him as my mentor, guiding me along the road of how to be a human being.
In Xhosa we say: Uthando lo thando, ubuntu olothando. ‘Love is love, humanity is love’. It means that when we act with compassion from the deepest part of us, then we realise our humanity. Mandela was a fine example of a man who overcame huge obstacles and demonstrated ‘Ubuntu’ (humanity).
Hamba Kahle Tata Mkhulu ! Go well reverend Father.
Written by: John Lockley 6/12/2013
In Blogging Tags anti-apartheid, apartheid struggle, iconic world leader, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma, South Africa, South African philosophy-, Ubuntu, Xhosa nation
Sangoma Medicine coming to the USA
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
Ancient prophecies predict that African and American teachings will help save the planet. The reason is that they still remember the old ways and how to reconnect us to Mother Nature. I have been encouraged by my Xhosa teachers and medicine colleagues to bring our ancient teachings to the Western World. These teachings are simple and profound, focusing on helping people to reconnect to their Ancestors and Dreams.
The Sangoma tradition in Southern Africa is literally thousands of years old. I am lucky to be part of the Xhosa lineage that represents one of the oldest living shamanic cultures in the world today. The ceremonies we perform are simple and profound encouraging people to go deep within themselves and their roots (ancestors).
The ancient ways teach us that it is no important how high we travel but how deep we go within ourselves. Because all life's questions about destiny, pain and suffering reside in our DNA. Our ancestors, and all of life within the great mother have battled with these questions. When we sit and ponder the question of 'why are we alive' and what is life all about we are left with a deep question ? This question takes us directly into the world of the mystic, sage, shaman, where it is okay to not know and this not knowing world opens our minds to multiple dimensions beyond time and space.
In South African Sangoma culture all spiritual journeys begin with saying our name out to the universe and announcing ourselves to all our Ancestors. For we believe that the first gift our parents gave us was our name. And our name holds within it the seeds of our destiny. In the same way that a small acorn holds the seed and potential of becoming a great oak tree. Gratitude is central to Xhosa ritual. We invoke our ancestors by showing gratitude to them for the gift of life. For without them we wouldn't be here. The question is never 'what can our ancestors do for us, but rather what can we do for them'. For the circle of life needs to be healed now more than ever before. We heal the circle by welcoming our elders home to us and thanking them for the sacrifices they made.
Join me in ceremony. Here are a list of dates and places where I will be in the USA.
I look forward to meeting you.
Warmest wishes,
John Lockley,
Ucingolwendaba (Above) I stand with my medicine colleagues, Elliot Rivera from Puerto Rico, brought up in New York; and Dancing Thunder, medicine chief of the Susquehannock nation.
Portland, Oregon
st -
th October
3rd Thursday - Renaissance Book shop
Public Talk: Dream Tracking the Indigenous Way
4th - 6th, Workshop: Dancing with our Ancestors
7th - 9th, Individual Sangoma Healing or Divination Sessions.
Booking for Workshop & private sessions:
Contact: Jan Engel-Smith, jan@lightsong.net,
Tel: 503-669-3013
New York City
th -
th October
10th Thursday - Edgar Cayce Center (ARE)
Public Talk: Introduction to Xhosa Sangoma Medicine
11th - New York Shamanic Circle (NYSC) - Open Circle
A time for the Community to gather, pray, rattle, drum and dance.
John will lead the group in some dancing, drumming & praying.
By Donation: $20
12th - 13th, Workshop: Healing through Dreaming
To Book: Click on ARE website
20th - New York Shamanic Circle's 15th Annual Gathering in Central Park.
A gathering of indigenous & urban shamans from all cultures and walks of life.
15th - 17th, Sangoma Sessions with John focusing on
Individual Healing Or Divination
21st - 24th
To Book: Email Lubaina, empoweredheart444@gmail.com.
Tel: 978-595-2926
Cost: $151 preferable in cash
26th & 27th, John will be leading a ceremony over the weekend entitled, 'Ancestral Blessing Ceremony'.
To book: email nyshamaniccircle@gmail.com
Phone: Irma 718 396 4246
In Blogging Tags ancient traditions, Dancing Thunder, Elliot Rivera, Indigenous Medicine, John Lockley, New York City, Oregon, Portland, Sangoma Medicine, Xhosa Medicine
Trance Dancing the Ancient Way
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
In Southern Africa we 'Sweat our prayers' through the trance dance or ‘xentsa’ .
This dancing practice is an integral part of traditional Southern African life. Traditional healers known as Sangomas use the dance to connect to their ancestral spirits. The word ‘Sangoma’ literally means ‘people of the song’ because they use particular kinds of chants and rhythms to connect to the spirit world. Sangomas are the traditional Shamans or medicine people of Southern Africa. The job of a Sangoma is to ‘nceda abantu ukuvula indlela’ – to help people realise their spiritual calling. For we believe that when people are in harmony with themselves then they are in harmony with the world around them. There is no word for depression in the Xhosa and Zulu language from SouthAfrica, only ‘umoya phezulu’ okanye ‘umoya phantsi’. Spirit energy up or spirit energy down. Through rhythm and song the Sangoma helps to uplift people and in doing so helps them realise their spiritual potential.
The Sangoma rhythm is part of the sacred music from South Africa. Whenever a Sangoma plays their drum in a particular way it is said that they invoke the spirits of the land and community. The drum beat is a particular heart beat rhythm that helps ground, calm and connect people to their roots (ancestors). I have been playing my drum and singing my Sangoma chants all over the world. I am pleased to say that no matter where I am people connect with their ancestors in the most profound and humbling ways. I have often been touched to hear people in New York or Mexico come to me a few days after a ceremony, recounting beautiful and uplifting dreams from their ancestors. Music is truly universal, and the Sangoma drum is a call to spirit and the unseen world. Now let us wake up! Now let us rejoice in the beauty of being alive. With our chants, hands and feet, we pound the earth and feel at one with all things. Camagu! (We honour & praise the divine).
On the 17th August Londoners will dance and shake their bones like never before. Are you ready to wake up?
In Blogging Tags John Lockley, London, Nelson Mandela, passing clouds, traditional African medicine-, trance dance, Xhosa Sangoma
Ubuntu 2012 in Review: A message of Hope
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
2012 Was an amazing year for me. I was invited to lead ceremonies all over the world from Canada to the USA, UK, and Belgium. I feel deeply honoured that people called on me to lead ceremonies and listen to how South African indigenous healers (Sangomas) operate.
In April this year I was working alongside my teacher, Mum Ngwevu performing thanksgiving ceremonies to honour our ancestors. After these ceremonies one of my elders, Tata Bongani said to me “Cingo uyasebenza kakhulu kulo nyaka!” “John you will be very busy this year”. He predicted quite accurately that this year was going to be my busiest year yet. I thanked him for his kind words and I left my beloved teacher and elders to lead my first ceremony overseas in Canada in May.
I was a bit nervous as it was my first time to Canada. The ceremony I lead was part of a 5 day Shamanic conference in Squamish, B.C. outside Vancouver. I lead the 101 + delegates in Xhosa chants, drumming and dancing. They loved it! I lead them in a special chant of “Umoya wam, ngumoya wam...” Meaning, ‘My spirit, my holy spirit’. I was impressed at how they all picked up the rhythm and went for it body and soul. The whole room was swaying in unison while I beat my drum. It was a wonderful moment. As always, I prayed in Xhosa, and sent a blessing to the delegates and their ancestors. I also mentioned my own parents, teachers and medicine elders back home. This ceremony set a wonderful precedent for the rest of the year for me.
After Canada I toured America, going to New York City, Colorado, San Francisco, and then again at the end of the year Memphis as well. I was hosted by the New York Shamanic circle, Earth Medicine Alliance in San Francisco and the Sacred Earth Foundation in Colorado. Again I felt very blessed and honoured to be invited by all these groups. I was touched by their dedication and commitment towards remembering the old ways and reaching out towards indigenous healers like myself.
I see people everywhere with an insatiable spiritual hunger to rediscover new ways of working with nature and the timeless ancestral/spirit world which is like a river moving in a continuous circle. The gifts that I have received in all these places is the gift of ‘Ubuntu’, humanity. For I am constantly reminded that no matter where I go there are good people everywhere who open their doors, hearts and communities to me, and allow me to sing in Xhosa, drum and teach these beautiful ways.
In October I was invited to San Francisco for the yearly Earth Medicine Alliance conference, and also the New York Shamanic event in Central Park. Both groups were well attended with people coming from all walks of life, and diverse cultures and traditions. We prayed, danced and rattled with Mayan traditions, Mexican and various North & South American indigenous cultures. It was gratifying and humbling to witness all of us as one human family with a commitment to peace and harmony in our fragile world. It gave me hope for our future, and the future of our children.
In my private divination sessions I was privileged to hear the hopes and dreams of hundreds of people. While we sat together in silence contemplating my sacred divination bones spread out in various constellations, I heard the whispers of our ancestors guiding us forwards. These whispers were always hopeful, inspiring and empowering. For each person holds so much light and power. It is my hope and dream that more and more people can hold onto their light and realise their potential. A potential that is truly limitless. For we are all free, and we have to take responsibility for it. I feel that it is this awesome freedom that makes people fearful. We all have choice. Embrace your freedom and allow your spirits to soar towards 2013 like eagles entering a new era. For I believe 2013 will be a wonderful year.
Blessings to all my friends, new and old in South Africa, USA, UK, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Poland and beyond. It has been my privilege to serve you in 2012 as a Sangoma and I look forward to doing the same in 2013.
Uthando lo thando, Ubuntu olo thando (An old Xhosa saying: Love is Love, humanity is Love).
Warmest wishes,
John Lockley.
( Special thanks to Thomas Donley for taking these pictures).
In Blogging Tags Hope, international teaching, John Lockley, Ubuntu 2012, Xhosa Sangoma
An African Blessing Ceremony
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
As the sun started to set across the African sky the elders gathered, the herbs burnt, and the prayers were uttered. We all joined together to celebrate our community in the Sukwhwini kraal. The kraal is the sacred home of the Sukhwini ancestral spirits and my adopted family for over 15 years.
When I first me my teacher, Mum Ngwevu and her husband Tata Sukhwini I felt I had found gold. The gold of an ancient, intact medicine lineage that stretches back hundreds and possibly thousands of years. For the Sukwhini clan is connected to the Khoi San, and they are reputed to be one of the oldest indigenous peoples in the world today. As a white South African who has lived through Apartheid I have been deeply touched and humbled by the Sukhwini elders who have adopted me as their son, and taught me everything they know in terms of ancestors and connecting to the ancient world. Every year I organise a 'thanks giving' ceremony to say 'thank you' to the Sukhwini, Ngwevu (my teacher's line) and Xhosa Sangoma ancestors and elders, for keeping these ancient medicine teachings alive in the world today. We invite Xhosa elders, medicine people and local community members. It normally goes over 2 days and includes sacred prayer and ceremony. This involves going to the sea, river and forest to offer prayers in the old way. It also involves talking in the kraal (ancestral temple), and listening to the elders speak. One of the highlights of the weekend is marked with Sangoma dancing and singing.
Every time I do a workshop overseas I get a photograph taken to show my community and elders back home the people I am helping. At a certain point during the ceremony I stood up and called forth my ancestors, I spoke in Xhosa honouring the ancient ones and the Great Spirit. I then passed around my photo album covering all the ‘Ubuntu Ubunzulu’ (depth of Humanity, traditional Sangoma workshops) workshops that I lead during the past year. I told my elders how I have taught people in the United Kingdom, Ireland, United States and Mexico, to reconnect to their ancestors, elders, dreams, Great Spirit. I tell them how I use Xhosa Medicine to help people to dream. I emphasise the importance of following the old Xhosa ways because they are sacred, beautiful and very powerful. The whole community were speechless.
Then Tata Khumalo stood up. He is a dignified elder who the people respect as a preacher, prophet and wise man. He was quiet for a moment, and then he said “Andithetha ngoku...” I cannot speak right now. He had a lump in his throat and he was very emotional. The whole community was quiet and they uttered one long sigh, aaaaaaaaah. Then his voice returned and he said “enkosi Cingolwendaba!” “Thank you John!”. The spirit started moving through him and his voice returned. He shouted with joy about the work I am doing, and expressed his heartfelt appreciation for me honouring his community, Mum Ngwevu, and Tata Sukhwini. He finished with tears running down his face and saying, “hamba phesheya Cingolwedaba!” “Go overseas John and teach people these old ways”.
I was deeply touched with the support my elders gave me, and to highlight it my teacher Mum Ngwevu gave me some beautiful beads. Her ancestors had told her in a dream to make the beads for me, to say ‘thank you’ for honouring them and helping to spread the sacred teachings of the Xhosa medicine people, the amagqirha.
Spirit News by John Lockley ‘Ucingolwendaba’
I have travelled all over this world, such as Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, France and all over South Africa. In all these places I have not seen or felt the connection to the Ancestors that I have felt here in the Eastern Cape, Joza location.
Ladies and Gentlemen be proud of your culture and customs.
You are lucky and rich. You have no money but you are connected to your ancestors.
When you sing and dance you raise the spirits of the Ancestors. I tell people overseas that here in South Africa we have gold, the Sangomas.
The world is dying, my friends.
In Europe people have forgotten the old ways of living.
The world is dying because of greediness and a lack of humanity.
You give hope because here I receive the depth of humanity through Sangoma teachings. Wherever I am in the rural Eastern Cape I feel the presence of humanity and the Ancestors guiding us.
Fathers and men don’t forget to teach your children your culture and customs.
When you do spiritual work here in the Eastern Cape you send light throughout the world.
You give people hope, thank you.
Indaba Zikacingolwendaba
Ndihambile phantsie omhlaba wonke, Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, France noMzantsi Afrika wonke. Kuzo zonke ezindawo andikubonanga okanje andiluvanga unxibelelwano eninalo apha eRhini/ Joza.
Mawethu zingceni ngamasiko nezithethe zenu. Nenethamsanqa nobutyebi obungaphaya. Anina mali kodwa ninxulumene nezinyanya zenu.
Xa nisombela nikwaxhentsa, ninyusa umoya wabaphantsi nivuselela nathi.
Ndixelela abantu phesheya, apha Mzantsi Afrika sinayo igolide engamagqirha.
Elizwe liyathsabalala bahlobo bam.
aEurope abantu bakhona balibele ngendlela endala yokuphila. Leyafa elizwe labo, ngenxa yokunyoluka nokungabina buntu.
Ninika ithemba kuba apha ndifumene ubuntu obunzulu. Naphina apho ndikhoyo ndiyaliva ifuthe lobuntu.
Botata nanimadoda sanakulibala ukufundisa abantwana benu ngamasiko nezithethe zenu.
Xa nisenza omsebenzi apha eJoza nithumela ilitha ehlabathini. Ninika abantu ithemba, Enkosi.
In Blogging Tags African viewpoint, ancestrally, Divine ceremonial experience, John Lockley, Powerful teacher, Sangoma, Shaman, Shamanic State of Consciousness, spiritual wisdom, trained, Ubuntu, veteran lineage holder, Xhosa
Traditional Sangoma Thanksgiving Ceremony
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
On the 21 January this year 2011 I hosted an ‘umsebenze’ (spiritual work) at my teacher’s home in the Eastern Cape to give thanks to my teacher & husband for their support and encouragement. I also wanted to give thanks to the guiding ancestors from both their families. A third aspect of the thanksgiving was to give thanks to the elders and fellow community members who have stood by me from the early days of my apprenticeship and supported all my ceremonies. I also mentioned the international community, people in Ireland, UK, USA & Mexico who have supported my workshops, and I thanked them.
A key aspect of all Sangoma work is ‘ukuqula’ which means to honour and praise. The elders were particularly proud of my work and said it was unusual for a Sangoma to return to their teacher and say thank you. This use to happen in the olden days, but a lot has been forgotten. I always say that if it wasn’t for my teacher and husband’s support, and the support from the elders in the community, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Also it is important to mention that I was very sick with the calling illness, ‘twaza’ when I arrived at the ‘Sukhwini’ home and I was treated with love and support. And I can never forget this.
I was trained and apprenticed by one of the poorest communities in South Africa. Many people ask why it is that I return every year to work with the poorest of the poor in a township in the Eastern Cape. And my response is always the same. The depth of spirit and humility which I have felt at my teacher’s home is beyond comprehension. And her community have stood by me for many years and assisted and supported me through all my ceremonies. A Sangoma is a community medicine person, and their job is to serve their community. My primary community is in the Eastern Cape and they in affect have loaned me to the international community. Even though I travel all over the world bringing my Xhosa medicine and Sangoma teachings, it is imperative that I return every year to fill my elders in with what I am doing. They initiated and trained me, so I am first and foremost their Sangoma.
I took time during the weekends ceremony to talk about my work overseas and to tell the elders, fellow Sangomas and other community members about how ‘Ubuntu Ubunzulu’ (depth of humanity, Sangoma teachings) has been received overseas. I told the community that the people overseas love my Xhosa singing and drumming, and they love the teachings on how to connect to the Ancestors, dreams, and natural world.
In South Africa amongst my community in the Eastern Cape my job is to hold a mirror to the people and show them how beautiful their culture is, and how beautiful they are. In Europe and the Western world I show people how to remember their ancestors and dreams through prayer, meditation, ceremony and medicinal plants.
With grinding poverty in the Eastern Cape, disease and a high death rate it is very easy for hopelessness to sink in. Also the empty glamour of westernisation with all that it brings can sometimes lure the youngsters away from their traditions and culture. I teach people to remember the old ways of their ancestors, the ways of dreaming and plants because these ways are so fragile and so beautiful. I talked to the community about the Western World, and how people have forgotten their ancestors, and how to work with dreams and medicinal plants. I spoke to them about the high levels of depression which is spreading in Europe and America. I encouraged the people to continue to follow their old traditions which are still alive and strong in the community, and are held by Sangomas, like my teacher, and myself.
When I finished my 'Indaba' one of the elders stood up and said with tears in his eyes, "Ucingolwendaba uyahamba phesheya ukufundisa abantu". John go overseas and teach the people. I had his support. The other elders nodded their heads in approval.
One of the jobs of a Sangoma is to channel information from the ancestral or spirit world and give this information to the community. So one of my primary roles as a Sangoma is to give ‘indaba’ or spiritual news to the community. We wear white clay around our eyes to signify our job as channelers, seeing into the spiritual world.
Please read a copy of ‘Indaba’ or spirit news that I read to the community, elders and fellow Sangomas, below. I have translated the Xhosa into English further down.
Indaba Zikacingolwendaba
Ndihambile phantsie omhlaba wonke, Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, France noMzantsi Afrika wonke. Kuzo zonke ezindawo andikubonanga okanje andiluvanga unxibelelwano eninalo apha eRhini/ Joza.
Mawethu zingceni ngamasiko nezithethe zenu. Nenethamsanqa nobutyebi obungaphaya. Anina mali kodwa ninxulumene nezinyanya zenu.
Xa nisombela nikwaxhentsa, ninyusa umoya wabaphantsi nivuselela nathi.
Ndixelela abantu phesheya, apha Mzantsi Afrika sinayo igolide engamagqirha.
Elizwe liyathsabalala bahlobo bam.
aEurope abantu bakhona balibele ngendlela endala yokuphila. Leyafa elizwe labo, ngenxa yokunyoluka nokungabina buntu.
Ninika ithemba kuba apha ndifumene ubuntu obunzulu. Naphina apho ndikhoyo ndiyaliva ifuthe lobuntu.
Botata nanimadoda sanakulibala ukufundisa abantwana benu ngamasiko nezithethe zenu.
Xa nisenza omsebenzi apha eJoza nithumela ilitha ehlabathini. Ninika abantu ithemba, Enkosi.
Spirit News by John Lockley 'Ucingolwendaba'
I have travelled all over this world, such as Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, France and all over South Africa. In all these places I have not seen or felt the connection to the Ancestors that I have felt here in the Eastern Cape, Joza location.
Ladies and Gentlemen be proud of your culture and customs.
You are lucky and rich. You have no money but you are connected to your ancestors.
When you sing and dance you raise the spirits of the Ancestors. I tell people overseas that here in South Africa we have gold, the Sangomas.
The world is dying, my friends.
In Europe people have forgotten the old ways of living.
The world is dying because of greediness and a lack of humanity.
You give hope because here I receive the depth of humanity through Sangoma teachings. Wherever I am in the rural Eastern Cape I feel the presence of humanity and the Ancestors guiding us.
Fathers and men don’t forget to teach your children your culture and customs.
When you do spiritual work here in the Eastern Cape you send light throughout the world.
You give people hope, thank you.
In Blogging Tags Sangomas, South African Shamans, Traditional Ceremony, Traditional Medicine
Credo Mutwa Appeal
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
Credo Mutwa
Credo Mutwa is one of the world's leading authorities on african spirituality. He is an icon of world mythology and african traditional knowledge. His book 'Indaba my children' won widespread acclaim both locally and internationally. It highlighted the rich tapestry of African spirituality.
Last year I had the good fortune of spending some time with him and his wife, Virginia. I was deeply saddened to hear how much they are struggling financially. Virginia is also in the process of building a hospice for AIDS sufferers.
The world owes a debt to Credo Mutwa and all the sacrifices he has made to spread African spirituality around the world. Through his wonderful gift of storytelling he demonstrates the common links between all people.
As the world is a global village, we have a responsibility to making sure medicine elders like Credo Mutwa and his wife Virginia live out their golden years with dignity.
I encourage all people to make a donation to this worthy cause:
Bank Account Name: Virginia Mutwa
Bank: Standard Bank, Kuruman, South Africa
Account Number: 236059556
Many thanks,
John Lockley
Xhosa Sangoma
In Blogging Tags African Spirituality, Aids Hospice, Credo Mutwa, Indaba my children, John Lockley, Virginia Mutwa, zulua sangoma
Ubuntu 2010 in Review
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
2010 Has been a wonderful year with many highs, and a few lows. This was the year where South Africa hosted the 2010 world cup which helped boost South Africa's image abroad. A Blog I wrote, namely "World Cup Football meets Sangoma medicine" prompted various invitations to speak on radio programmes like the BBC World Service, SAfm - South African Radio, and Dublin's Newstalk Radio. Hence, bringing my vision about the importance of respecting South African traditional medicine, a step closer. I was deeply humbled and grateful by the warm response in which my message was received.
One of the biggest lows for me this year was the death and passing of one of my closest friends and biggest supporters in South Africa, namely Sydney Toto Peter. He passed away tragically in a car accident in South Africa on the 3rd August. He was the man who introduced me to my teacher in the 90's and helped integrate me into the local Xhosa community. Sid was the eternal optimistic, and he had a gift in making people smile and laugh around him. He will be remembered for his cheerful disposition.
My Ubuntu work thrived this year, with workshops in the UK, Ireland, USA & Mexico. I was pleased to see how willing people have been to hearing and learning about the old ways. The key theme here is the importance of respecting and remembering our Ancestors, and what it means to be human. Ubuntu means humanity, and it is an evolving process, depending on how we help and look after one another.
These Ubuntu workshops wouldn't happen without the support of a number of people. There are so many people to thank that I don't have the space to include all of them. I would like to thank everyone who has come to a workshop and taken the time to learn these ancient ways.
I would like to thank Richard & Katarina Diss in the UK for their help and support. In Ireland I would like to thank Henry Rowan, Carole Guyett & her husband Steve. I would also like to thank Hazel and Omo Lara. In America I would like to thank Jeff & Diane Baker. Jeff worked tirelessly in promoting my work last year and encouraging people to come to my Ubuntu workshops. He also wrote a wonderful article in the Sacred Fire Magazine, entitled The Lone Leopard. Julie Bete also needs a special mention in her encouragement, and support with my USA tour this year. She has very kindly offered to be my assistant and help with my admin duties.
I would like to give a hearty 'thank you' to Eliot Cowan and David Wiley, two Tsaurirrikames (Elder Shamans) in the Huichol indigenous tradition of Mexico. In the last 4 years they have acknowledged and supported me with my efforts in promoting indigenous South African medicine. Recently in November in Mexico, David Wiley made me an elder in the Sacred Fire Community, an international community dedicated to promoting indigenous medicine.
Working in an area like African shamanism (Sangoma medicine) means constantly communicating to the international community about Africa and African spirituality. I have found that most prejudice comes from ignorance, thus highlighting the importance of clear and concise communication. In this area I would like to thank my close friend and publicist Sally Turner. Sally has continually helped me with all media work, such as radio, Internet and magazine articles. Sally is a true believer in Ubuntu, in our shared humanity, and in our innate closeness through us all having red blood.
As always I would like to thank my Xhosa Sangoma community in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. And in particular my beloved teacher, Mum Gwevu, her husband Tata Sukwini, and elder Tata Bongani. I have being constantly in touch with them this year, and they have stood by my side in my Sangoma work overseas. Thus helping to further our joint vision of 'Ubuntu Ubunzulu', the depth of humanity. Which is a humanity joined through blood, and superseding culture, creed and language.
Finally I wish All of you a Wonderful New Year filled with magic, beauty and love!
In Blogging Tags 2010, Fifa World Cup, Sangoma, South African Traditional Medicine, Ubuntu, World Cup Football
In Memoriam - Sydney Toto Peter
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
On the 3rd August this year 2010 Sydney Toto Peter died tragically in a car accident in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Sydney was one of my closest friends and the man who introduced me to my teacher, Mum Gwevu and who helped to integrate me into the local Xhosa community. Our friendship began in the late 90's in post-apartheid South Africa. As the fires of Apartheid started to settle good men and women like him and his wife, Nokuzola, became true South African heros in seeing the humanity inside people rather than giving in to polical and social prejudice.
When I was found to have the Xhosa calling to become a Xhosa Sangoma/ Medicine man, Sid and his wife took me under their wings and said that I was free to come to their home at any time if I needed help. My teacher, Mum Gwevu, doesn't speak English and in the late 90's I spoke no Xhosa so Syd spent many hours of his time helping to translate for me. For hours we would speak about dreams, ancestors, Xhosa culture, beads, etc. He was never flustered or annoyed by my questions. In fact he would make me laugh, and tell me old stories about the Xhosa tribe. He was also very proud of me and my Sangoma gift. He would say to his friends "come and see my Umlungu (white guy) friend dance. When he dances you can feel the 'umoya' (spirit)". As a Xhosa Sangoma I had to prove my gift through my dancing. Syd loved to watch me dance and he would travel all over the local township to watch me dance.
When I struggled to be accepted by the local community I would talk to Syd and he would heal my loneliness. I remember talking to him recently about racism and how tired I was of being judged in South Africa for the colour of my lovely white skin. Again he laughed in his typical way and said to me, "that's nothing John, how would you like to be called 'kaffir' (very derogatory term used by white South Africans during Apartheid South Africa for Black South Africans) ?" He then related a story a few years ago when his car broke down on a particularly hot day in Kimberley (Northern Cape, SA). Like any man he looked for the nearest pub to get a cold beer. He went into this pub and exclaimed to me how wierd it felt going into a bar being the only black guy. "But hey John, it was the New South Africa, so I thought it would be no problem". Apparently as he sat down the white man next to him got up and exclaimed under his breath "F****ng Kaffir!". At that Syd was not perturbed in the slightest but merely said "hey, this 'fo**n' kaffir would like to buy you a beer, do you want to drink or walk??" The white man was so taken aback that he said, "ag ok, drink". So Syd bought him a drink and after about 2 hours of drinking they both knew one another's names, and whenever this man drove near where Sid lived in the Eastern Cape he would give him a ring and they would meet up. They became friends despite politics and skin colour.
Syd taught me about 'Ubuntu', (humanity), and to always laugh and see the lighter side of life despite sometimes extreme obstacles that we both faced in the townships like poverty and disease.
On the 3rd August South Africa lost a noble son, father, and brother. On that day I lost a brother and a man who showed me so much love and compassion that my life changed completely. Sydney leaves Nokuzola his wife, three children and the whole of Joza township who loved him. His memory will never die, and whenever we joke and play and enjoy one anothers' company we will remember him.
In Blogging
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
Please see a reference to John & his 'Ubuntu' work in Wikipedia.
In Press Tags John Lockley, Sangoma, Shamans, Wikipedia, Xhosa Medicine
World Cup Football meets Sangoma Medicine
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
Growing up during the 70s and 80s, in a South Africa torn apart by Apartheid, I’d often find myself barefoot, playing soccer with the local black farm kids. A bunch of us, black and white, would kick a ball around in the dirt. In the game I was merely another participant - not white, not blonde, not English - just another soccer player. For those brief moments I felt a sense of camaraderie with my team mates and it gave me hope. Hope for an undivided country where the colour of one’s skin no longer matters.
Thirty years on, Apartheid has at last been consigned to the history books. Yes, South Africa still faces some tough challenges as a nation, but as hosts of the upcoming FIFA World Cup we have a unique opportunity to allow “the beautiful game” to bridge cultural and social divides. And as a soccer fan and a practicing Sangoma (I am a member of ‘Uthando Bayaphantsi’ traditional healers Association) I can’t wait for kick off. The event will also provide the world with a unique window into traditional South African spirituality and, if people keep an open mind, it could promote positive awareness of our indigenous spiritual culture and heritage.
Sangomas, the traditional spiritual doctors of Southern Africa, will play a significant part in the World Cup. Most of the major soccer clubs in South Africa use Sangomas in much the same way that modern clubs overseas use sport psychologists. Sangomas are psychologist, herbalist and priest rolled into one. They are trained and initiated in an intricate spiritual way much like Tibetan Buddhist Lamas and are seen as instruments or channels of ancestral healing. At a recent milestone conference in South Africa it was announced that African teams may consult with traditional healers and use traditional forms of treatment during the FIFA world cup finals.
This is an exciting time for us, and an opportunity for Sangomas to dispel any negative misconceptions about their work. Sangomas and traditional African healers have often been wrongly associated in the west with witchdoctors, muti killings and voodoo. Sangomas are professional priests and healers, but just as certain individuals in the Christian priesthood and western medicine may occasionally bring their professions into disrepute, so unfortunately do certain individuals in the Sangoma world. Traditionally Sangomas are healers and bonefide Sangomas would never perform negative acts, they work with honesty and integrity.
A Sangoma might bless a football team and the pitch in various ways according to their particular culture. An animal blood sacrifice is one way for us to perform blessings and ceremonies, as in our culture blood is seen as cleansing and purifying, but we are also able to use medicinal plants, prayers, song and dance for the same purpose. We pay respect to our forefathers and call upon our ancestors to support our endeavours, placing our fate in their hands, whether in life or on the soccer pitch. Not so long ago FIFA cracked down heavily on Sangomas performing their rites on the turf at the Somhlolo Stadium in Swaziland, after it was disclosed that a Sangoma from either Black Mambas or Mbabane Swallows had cut open a section of the expensive artificial pitch and buried a sacrificial chicken in the centre. Not an issue the English FA are ever likely to have to contend with!
I will be supporting the South African Bafana Bafana during the tournament. I would have been behind the Republic of Ireland squad too as my mother’s Irish, from Dublin, but controversially they haven't made it to the finals. I'll be in Ireland in May, so if the Irish team would like a blessing ceremony I would be up for it. And don't worry, I'll leave my chickens and goats behind and focus purely on the use of medicinal plants.
In Blogging Tags John Lockley, Sangoma Medicine, World Cup Football
Traditional Sangomas/ African Shamans vs more Contemporary Shamans
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
Sangoma Trainees in our school
In order for us as mankind to walk forwards with integrity we have to know where we come from. Traditional shamans are the keepers of the old knowledge. I have felt very priveliged and honoured to be trained in the Xhosa way, an ancient culture and language that still practices the ancient way. I beleive aspects of Xhosa Sangoma culture can be used to help people to remember the old ways of their ancestors; i.e. the way of dreaming, medicinal plants and trance music to commune with life. Why? Because we are all human with red blood, and we have countless ways of helping one another.
What are traditional Sangomas or Shamans for that matter?
This question came up recently with a friend of mine. I don't know too much about contemporary Shamanism. All I can do is talk about my experience & training as a traditional Xhosa Sangoma. I am a traditional Sangoma because I was trained by my Xhosa teacher, Mum Gwevu & her husband, Tata Sukwini, who is a traditional leader. Neither of them speak English, and they follow the ancient medicine ways of their forefathers. They adopted me as a Sukwini member of their clan, and in an official ceremony recently they acknowledged me as a 'Sukwini'.
It is important to note that people don't decide to become Sangomas they are chosen. They are chosen by their ancestors, and this comes through in dreams. In Southern Africa people can also be called through a difficult illness known as the 'twaza' ( a global shamanic illness). As someone apprentices the illness abates. A person in South Africa would normally go to a Sangoma for a divination. The sangoma would then validate their dream experiences and/or illness and confirm the need to apprentice.
Sangomas are loved by their communities because they live a life dedicated towards healing and service. They are the traditional Monks & Nuns of Southern Africa and can be likened to Tibetan Buddhist or in my experience Korean monks & nuns. I see Sangomas as 'African Dancing Monks & Nuns' because we use rhythm, dance and song to honour life.
As a traditional Xhosa Sangoma/ African Shaman, we listen to our dreams, white dreams, prophetic dreams. Dreams which come from our ancestors and tell us the future or what is happening with somebody i.e. their health or their destiny. We never claim to be Sangomas, that is something our elders bestow on us after witnessing our dreams and our gift. We are seen as being trained by our ancestors. Sangoma teachers are seen to teach 20% of the medicine and the remaining 80% is seen to come from our ancestors. The job of the Sangoma teacher is to help align/ connect the student with their ancestors. Once this happens the student dreams and is given the required information from the ancient ones.
When someone starts their Xhosa Sangoma apprenticeship they start to wear white beads and white clothes and they are called Sangoma, but it is recognised that they are a trainee and have many initiation stages to complete. They also wear white clay over their entire faces to indicate that they are in the luminal/spirit world and are being trained by their ancestors. The other name for Sangoma is 'abantu abamhlope' which means 'white people' because of their white attire and dedicated profession focused on healing, praying and honouring life. When a Sangoma (trainee or senior) walks down the road people call out 'camagu!' , a term of deep respect, which means 'we honour and praise you'. Why? Because it is well known in Africa that Sangomas/ African Shamans are the guardians of the old knowledge, the medicine keepers, and they also help to maintain the balance between nature, man and the ancestral world. It is also well known that the job is extremely difficult and dangerous. And when people are seen to have the calling there is always a mixture of happiness and sadness because it is widely understood that Sangomas suffer a great deal, especially knowadays where we are misunderstood and sometimes mistakenly labelled as practitioners of the dark arts.
A Sangoma apprenticeship revolves around three areas namely; divination, medicinal plants & Xentsa (trance dance which includes playing the drum and singing 'ingomas', the sacred Xhosa songs/chants). Amongst Xhosa Sangomas it is well known that a traditional Sangoma apprenticeship can take many years to complete. The reason being is that we have many ancestors, blood related and also nature spirits that we need to align/connect with. I completed my training after 10 years, and I still have some Xhosa friends who started before me, and who are still in training today. Exactly when you finish is at the discretion of the ancestors, and it comes through with particular mystical/ ancestral dreams which are clear and cannot be confused with ordinary reality.
The other aspect to finishing sangoma training is also financial. We pay our teacher for each initiation. However as the work is so closely connected to the community, when a Sangoma initiation occurs the entire community is invited. As there needs to be sufficient food and drink for everyone, a traditional ceremony could run into thousands of rands. So an enormous amount of energy is used to plan, execute and carry out each initiation. We always say that the financial side to the initiation is just one of the tests the Ancestors set us. Interesting enough my teacher comes from a poor background and she was able to finish all her initiations. The financial strain teaches us to be resourceful. Also if people in the community, family and friends notice how ardent, committed and focused you are as a trainee they donate money to you. This is the tribal way. And this is how I managed to finish my training as well.
In my experience I have found that my Sangoma training was very similar to my time as a Zen student in South Korea. Korean zen monks follow an ancient tradition. The similarity is found in many ways but particularly in the area of chanting. Zen monks chant sacred korean sutras to clear their minds and reach enlightenment. Sangomas sing/ chant 'Ingomas' (sacred Xhosa songs) to connect to their ancestors. Hence, Sangomas could be likened to African Dancing monks/ nuns with a strong focus on transcendence and interconnectedness with our Ancestors, Great Spirit & Nature.
The Sangoma trainee also does an 'energy exchange' for their apprenticeship through serving their teacher. They collect and prepare medicinal plants to be used for clients, they give divination under the supervision of their teacher, and they help out with 'umsebenzes' (traditional ceremonies to honour the Ancestors & Great Spirit). The trainees form the backbone of the Sangoma culture because they sing the songs, play the drum and build the energy during all traditional ceremonies. The trainees sing and dance calling forth the ancient ones (Ancestors & Great Spirit), and then when the energy in the room is right the senior Sangomas walk in to go into trance and give 'indaba' spirit news to the community. Like their juniors they work as channels or messengers between this world and the next. They also work as empaths so they 'feel' the energy of the community and they speak about this. They also give messages from the other world and they pass this on to the community to lift their spirits. An important aspect of these ceremonies is 'hlonipa' which loosely translated into english means respect. But it is a lot more than that. It is a deep form of humility, and honouring of the Ancestors, Great Spirit and the medicine of life. You see this when the senior sangomas talk, the trainees kneel out of humility. When each of the trainees in turn pray & honour they do it on their knees and all their colleagues join them. The Sangoma culture rests on this ancient code.
Again the job of the Sangoma is to lift the spirit energy of the individual or community, we call this 'umoya phezulu'. We serve the community.
Amongst the Xhosa people I am known as 'Ucingolwendaba', the messenger between cultures. I am also known as 'Ligquira Inkulu', which means Senior Sangoma because I have completed all the various initiation stages making me Sangoma. I am now given permission by my elders to train & initiate people in the 'Sangoma way'. Normally only someone who has completed all these stages can initiate someone else to become a Sangoma.
In Blogging
Sangoma Premonitions
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
Many people have asked me if Sangomas have predictions? Recently a journalist contacted me and asked if Sangoma people have anything to say about the recent natural disasters occuring in the planet. I said yes we do and it all revolves around the importance of man re-aligning with nature in a wholesome way.
In 1992 I had a strong vision whilst walking around my garden. I was told about a tidal wave that would result in the largest loss of life in recent history. I was told that it would happen in about 10 years time, and it would signal the time for me to start working in a spiritual way to help people re-align themselves with nature in a respectful way. When the Tsunami struck in December 2004 I was on a yoga retreat off the West Coast of Ireland. It was a snowing outside and a bit chilly. At that time I was planning on going on a 3/4 month yoga retreat, training course in Australia. The realisation of the Tsunami struck home the importance of all of us to live with more respect and love for the natural world. I was already in training to become a Sangoma, and the hurricane was a clear sign that I needed to move forward with my training.
I have had many dreams since, and a few of them speak about natural disasters. The message is simple 'we need to reconnect, and re-align ourselves with nature'.
In the last few years I have had other dreams about the collapse of the world as we know it. My last dream was just before the banks collapsed in the UK in 2008, America and then globally. In that particular dream I was told that things would change in the sense that there would be more natural disasters and a greater loss of life. I was told that it is natures’ way of bringing us back into balance. The lesson here for us is ‘RESPECT’ or as we Sangomas would say in Xhosa or Zulu ‘hlonipa’. We need to learn to respect one another, our communities, our old people and Nature. But respect not just in words but in actions. As a Xhosa Sangoma I teach people ‘Ubuntu Ubunzulu’ which are the sacred Sangoma teachings of the Xhosa people related to our humanity ‘Ubuntu’, and the depth of our humanity (Ubunzulu) which speaks of our interconnectedness to nature and the ancestral/ spiritual world.
Our human race is arrogant, and we think we are in control of nature, and that we own nature . This is not so. The recent volvano in Iceland (begining of May '10) which grounded European planes for almost 2 weeks was a sobering reminder that 'we' are not in control, and that we are all at the mercy of Mother Nature. As a Sangoma I found this very humbling and beautiful despite having to change my return flight to the UK. I was happy to spend another 2 weeks in South Africa.
I was on the BBC, radio 4, ‘Saturday live’ show with Fi Glover on 5th September 2009 (see my home page for interview). Before the show, Simon, the producer asked me if I had to look back on my career for the last 50 years or so what would I like my legacy to be? I said for the old people to be respected and loved, and likewise for our Ancestors to be respected and loved, because then we as human beings would be more in balance. I think this is what these natural disasters are calling us to do. To be more loving, more caring and more respectful of ourselves, one another and nature.
So where does this leave us in the future?? I think mankind as we know it is going to have to become more sensitive in order to survive. This can only be a good thing.
In Blogging
Beyond Black & White - Ubuntu
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
"Sinamandla Kunye "- Together we are Strong
Many people ask me "how can it be that a white man is a Sangoma?" I then reply "we all have red blood, and we all have ancestors". I normally then ask people if it is okay for black people to become doctors, lawyers, priests, etc. The answer is always a resounding YES OF COURSE! I then say "well then it must be okay for white people to become Sangomas, because to say otherwise is tantamount to reverse rascism"! I then ask people if they have heard of Nelson Mandela or Desmond Tutu. Again most people have. Well Nelson Mandela is a lawyer, an advocate, and Desmond Tutu is an English priest, an Anglican Bishop. Both these men are my elders as both of them are Xhosa. So they have entered Western culture and excelled. Now as a white man I was called to become a Sangoma, and now I am a senior Xhosa Sangoma.
For us Sangomas, 'Ubuntu' means humanity. And people realise ubuntu through their conduct in the community.
When I give talks I relate a story during the early days of my training in a township in the Eastern Cape. Apartheid finished in 1994, I started my training in 1997, so understandably people were cautious and a bit suspicious of me. I remember one traditional ceremony which I attended. The people were very wary towards me. My teacher felt all this and when she went into trance she became like a lioness protecting her young and she shouted at the community. "U sika apha egazine ibomvu, uyasika Cingolwendaba egazini ibomvu. Ngamanye amaxesha ndapupa abelungu izinyana zithetha mna. Ngamanye amaxesha uCingo upupa Amaxhosa izinyanya, zithetha nina. Abantu Bafana".
"When you cut my arm red blood flows, when you cut John's arm red blood flows. Sometimes when I dream the white ancestors (Abelungu Izinyanya) speak to me, sometimes when John dreams Xhosa ancestor spirits talk to him. We are all very similar. Once more, I was told in a dream by the Great Spirit (uThixo) to train John, and that is what I am doing. When he came to me he was very sick, now he is much better. He treats me with respect. I met his parents and they also show me a lot of respect. John is like one of my own sons" (translated from Xhosa to English).
After this there was silence by the community. And after 5 years of training I was accepted. Now I am treated with love and respect.
Again "Ubuntu" means humanity, and "Ubuntu Ubunzulu" is the sacred Xhosa Sangoma teachings relating to our connection to one another and our ancestors. If someone trains to become a medical doctor they have to pass a series of tests and examinations regardless of skin colour. At the end of their 6 or 7 hard years they are examined by other doctors and if they are deemed worthy they are rewarded with the title of 'Doctor'. A similar process occurs with Sangoma training. It is a traditional apprenticeship. If someone, regardless of skin colour demonstrates the Sangoma calling, and they act upon it respecting and honouring their teacher and community then they have realised 'Ubuntu Ubunzulu' (our sacred humanity & our connection to community) and skin colour should never be an issue.
In Blogging
A Sangoma Blessing for 2010
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
As 2010 opens, and starts to flow like a gentle river with ever increasing speed towards the sea I would like to make a special blessing for our Elders, the old people in our community and our Ancestors who have passed on. A few months ago I had the good fortune of appearing as a live studio guest on BBC Radio 4 and before the show, Simon, the producer asked me what would my wish be in 50 years time if I looked back at my life and work. I replied "that the elders in our community are once again held with love and respect, and likewise, that our ancestors are respected. Because when we can remember to respect and love our old people, and our ancestors, then the cycle of life and death will be restored".
At the moment in Western culture there is an over glamourisation of the 'youth'. And this puts great pressure on young people, as well as relegating old people to second class citizens. As soon as people get a bit older they are pushed aside and no longer valued. If we look at traditional cultures like the Xhosa people, older people (traditonally) are seen as the elders in the culture, and they are given a respectful place in the community. I remember in the early days during my apprenticeship I was disheartened that their weren't many people who had arrived for one of my initiations and when I expressed this to my teacher's husband, Tata Sukwini he exclaimed "ungakatazeki Cingo, jongani abantu, abantu badala, wena uthamsanqa!" Look at the people who have arrived, they are old, very old, you are very lucky! You see in traditional culture the old people need to be introduced to someone or something first. When the old people come and support ceremonies and initiations it is seen as a blessing because they are seen to bring ancestral energy with them.
I saw this beautiful poem written by an old man before he died. I would like to share it with you.
When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in country NSW, it was believed that he had nothing left of any value.
Later, when the nurses were going through his meagre possessions, They found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.
One nurse took her copy to Melbourne . The old man's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas editions of magazines around the country and appearing in mags for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been made based on his simple, but eloquent, poem.
And this old man, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this 'anonymous' poem winging across the Internet.
Cranky Old Man
What do you see nurses? . . . . .What do you see? What are you thinking .. . . . . when you're looking at me? A cranky old man, . . . . . .not very wise, Uncertain of habit .. . . . . . . . with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food .. . .. . . . . and makes no reply. When you say in a loud voice . . . . .. 'I do wish you'd try!' Who seems not to notice . . . . .the things that you do. And forever is losing . . . . . . . . . . A sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not .. . . . . . . . . . . lets you do as you will, With bathing and feeding . . . . . .The long day to fill? Is that what you're thinking? . . . . . .. Is that what you see? Then open your eyes, nurse . . . . . . you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am . . . . . . . As I sit here so still, As I do at your bidding, . . . . . . as I eat at your will. I'm a small child of Ten . . . . . . . with a father and mother, Brothers and sisters .. . . . . . . . who love one another
A young boy of Sixteen . . . . . with wings on his feet Dreaming that soon now . .. . . .. ... . a lover he'll meet. A groom soon at Twenty .. . . . ... . . my heart gives a leap. Remembering, the vows .. . . . . . that I promised to keep.
At Twenty-Five, now . . . . . ... . . . . I have young of my own. Who need me to guide . . . . And a secure happy home. A man of Thirty . . . . . . . . .. My young now grown fast, Bound to each other . . . . . . . With ties that should last.
At Forty, my young sons .. . . . . have grown and are gone, But my woman is beside me . . . . . . . to see I don't mourn. At Fifty, once more, . . ... . . . ..Babies play 'round my knee, Again, we know children . . . . . . . My loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me . . . . . . .... My wife is now dead. I look at the future ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . I shudder with dread. For my young are all rearing . . . . . . young of their own. And I think of the years . . .. . . . . And the love that I've known.
I'm now an old man . . . . . . . . . and nature is cruel. It's jest to make old age . . . . . . . look like a fool. The body, it crumbles .. . . . ... . . . . . grace and vigour depart. There is now a stone .. . . . . .. . where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass . . . .. A young man still dwells, And now and again . . . .. . . . my battered heart swells I remember the joys . .. . . . . . . . .. . I remember the pain. And I'm loving and living . . . . .. . . . . . . . . life over again.
I think of the years . all too few . . . . . . gone too fast. And accept the stark fact . . . . . . . . that nothing can last. So open your eyes, people . . . . . . . . open and see. Not a cranky old man . Look closer . . .. . see . . . . . .... . ME!!
Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within . ... . . . we will all, one day, be there, too!
John & Credo Mutwa - Zulu Sangoma/ African Sage
May our elders be blessed, and the correct relationship between all of us re-established.
In Blogging
Welcome to my new website & Blog
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
My wish is to help people of all nations 'to remember' their old ancestral ways through dreaming - for when people are in touch with their own inner worlds, then happiness and contentment can be fostered, peace and balance can be restored.
My intention behind this website and media work is to publicise and correctly inform people about African spirituality, and in particular, Sangoma work. For too long now there has been the mistaken view that Sangomas are associated with witchcraft, black magic and voodoo. The word 'Sangoma' means 'people of the song' because we go into trace through rhythm and song. The job of the Sangoma is to heal people and lift the spiritual energy of the individual and community up. It is a sacred job with great responsibility. If people call themselves 'sangoma' but then work to hurt, injure or create disharmony, they are not sangomas and only serve to discredit this ancient name and profession.
There is no word for depression in the Zulu and Xhosa language, only 'umoya phantsi' (spirit energy down), or 'umoya phezulu' (spirit energy up). The job of the Sangoma is always 'umoya phezulu' - to lift, raise up the spiritual energy of the individual and community. In the international language of healing, one cannot put curses on people one day and then attempt to heal people the next.
One of the ancient symbols of Sangomas is the 'Sacred Aloe' - to heal the community in a variety of ways.
Additional Blog postings to appear in the near future...
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