In-Person Sangoma Ceremony Sessions - NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE VIA ZOOM !
John throwing the bones.
More on Personal Sangoma Divinations with John
This is a rare opportunity to experience an age-old divination technique that reaches the essential nature of one's soul growth at the present moment, and the soul's path through life.
Different from what many westerners are used to, these sessions are succinct and convey the essential nature of the message(s) helpful to the client for his or her growth. A divination session is not a counseling session, but a direct consultation with the spirit world for advice about the growth of one’s spirit--a personal ceremony. Unlike many western counseling or divining traditions, these divination ceremonies tend toward direct communication of spiritual advice, and do not generally go deeply into the stories and narratives of the client's life.
Clients can expect homework. John will relate a course of action involving prayers and/or treatments based on the divination, or advice on what the spirit needs for growth at this time. The true value of the session becomes apparent throughout this unfolding process, as the treatments are completed and operate in the spiritual world.
What can you expect from a private divination ceremony with John?
Traditional African divination involves looking into the ‘soul’ of the client and channeling information from the ancestral/spirit world in order to help people on their Life Path. This type of divination can be very helpful in guiding you to your life’s purpose as well as forging a path of re-connection to your ancestors and spirit guides.
Each session is performed in a ceremonial way. John and the client sit on the floor with bare feet (no shoes) and assume a meditative posture.
John does a divination using ‘bones’ (shells, stones and other sacred objects). He goes into meditation and connects with his ancestral spirit guides, as well as the spirits of the client to search, divine or ‘see’ what is happening with the client emotionally, physically and spiritually. The bones reveal the ‘spiritual constellation‘ of the client’s life, showing for instance, their connection to their Ancestors, life-path/destiny, calling, gifts, etc.
Sangoma (or traditional shamanic) sessions differ from traditional psychotherapy in that when someone is consulting with a sangoma it is widely believed they are consulting with not only the sangoma in front of them, but also the sangoma lineage that they are connected to. John’s ancestral spirits or guides help to heal the person at a soul level, and sometimes a person might feel the effects of a session for weeks, months or even years afterwards.
John is gifted in two different divination techniques. The first is Xhosa, where he channels ancestral energy. This is called ‘vumisa’, (meaning, ‘ancestral agreement’). The second is Zulu, where he throws the bones.
There is time after the divination for the client to ask questions, discuss what is revealed, and whether or not it is in accordance with how the client is living their life.
Divination or Sangoma Counseling represents a different way of ‘seeing’. It is more indigenous with a focus on dreams, nature, synchronicity etc. Sangomas are often educators and teach people
about the hidden, mystical, spiritual worlds. However spiritual growth takes time, practice and patience. John teaches people how they can unlock the door to their own spiritual abundance, however the client has to turn the key.
It is the responsibility of the client to follow through with the various prayers or treatments that John recommends.
About the Exchange
Personal, one on one sessions are booked at an average rate of $301 (USD), with payment preferred up front.
The offering of these sessions is a rare occurrence outside of the areas they hail from in Africa. In traditional African cultures, sangoma services are highly regarded and well paid for. From time immemorial sangoma medicine people have been paid for their services, whether in the form of animals like goats, chickens, or cows; or goods like tobacco. Money is now common currency for service. It is widely believed that if people don’t pay or exchange something for their healing then they won’t get better. The rate of exchange respects the spiritual lineage of the client and the sangoma, and is a symbol of taking spiritual growth and healing seriously.
Traveling to Europe as the US, John goes to great lengths to follow his calling and share this medicine, and he charges a rate requisite with this expense as well as in consideration of his expertise as a fully initiated senior sangoma.
Where can you see John in person?
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