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'Leopard Warrior' talk in Dublin at Positive Nights
I spoke at Positive Nights with Paul Congdon in Dublin recently about my upcoming book, 'Leopard Warrior'. It was a wonderful night. I received a warm welcome and the people seemed to enjoy my talk. It was important for me to speak from my Mother's original home, Dublin, where it all began for me many years ago. It was in Dublin along the coast on DunLaoghaire peer that my Mother dreamt of Africa. She had a vision of African elephants calling her. The vision was so strong that she felt compelled to listen and travel to Africa. As she said to me years later, "she wanted to witness African elephants in the wild before it all goes..." Hopefully that won't happen. But the wilderness of Africa is under threat by poachers. The only way for this to stop is for there to be more awareness and education about the wilderness and how important it is for each person to reclaim their own wilderness, the landscape of their soul. This is part of my journey, and I was delighted, humbled and very grateful to kick off my world book tour in my second home, the lovely and enigmatic Dublin City.
John Lockley – a traditional African/Irish Sangoma (shaman) from the Xhosa tribe of South Africa – spoke to Paul Congdon at Positive Nights in Dublin on the 31st of August 2017. In this wonderful interview John covered a variety of subjects, including his early life in apartheid-era South Africa, how he came to accept his Sangoma calling, and the importance of dreams. John’s new book ‘Leopard Warrior,’ which describes his incredible journey, will be released later this year.
Tags John Lockley, Leopar Warrior, Positive Nights, Paul Congdon, Dublin, Powerscourt Theatre, Spirituality, Mindfulness, Shamanism