Ancestral Celebration

The theme of this workshop is 'Ancestral Celebration' & Grace.  It is a special workshop because it will include closing Pip's 'Kraal', as Pip will be moving home. The Kraal is an ancient ancestral structure based on the Xhosa & Zulu spirituality in South Africa. It was opened by John, and is a space or 'ancestral doorway' where people connect deeply with their ancestors.

The weekend will involve:

  • Outside Ancestral Ceremony in 'the Kraal'

  • Meditation

  • A blessing ceremony to enhance dreams & visions using medicinal plants.

Energy exchange: £200 - Includes accomodation & sangoma teaching.

To book please contact Caroline on 0754-539-3629, or click the booking form below.

In Events


BBC Radio 4


Ubuntu News September 2009