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The Language of Dreams

The Language of Dreams

New Monthly Webinar series starts on Sunday 26th Jan

Key questions to be explored are “how do you dream? What is your unique dream language or ‘Dream Print’”? And most important, “how do you integrate your dream language into your everyday life” ?

Times: 9am PST (Los Angeles); 10am Mountain Time (Boulder); 12pm EST (New York); 5pm UK (London); 6pm Zurich & Paris; 7pm South Africa (Cape Town). If you can’t make it live, don’t worry, you will receive the recording afterwards.

The focus of this webinar series is soulfulness through dreamfulness. How can our conciousness inhabit the dream state more fully?

In traditional Xhosa and Swazi cultures, your dreams are a direct channel of communication with the ancestral and spirit realms.

In this series of 3 Webinars:

  • How to unlock your Dreams and discover your unique ‘Dream Language’

  • you’ll discover how to track and focus on specific dream images that can help you travel to the realms of your ancestors… meet your animal totems… and experience the divine love of the Great Spirit, allowing you to receive guidance, protection, and inspiration in every moment.

  • How to use herbal protection medicine to unlock hidden pathways within your dreams

  • You’ll learn to cultivate mindfulness, radical humility, and sensory awareness as you navigate the dreamtime to uncover the hidden messages within your dreams

  • By slowing down and attuning yourself to the whispers of your soul, you’ll discover how your dreams are calling you to embrace your hero’s journey and find deep purpose in everyday life.

Each Webinar runs as a ceremony with a guided meditation, some chanting and an invocation in isiXhosa to lift the energy. They last 75 mins.

John will give a 20 min talk to introduce this month’s theme. People can then ask questions.

NB: These Monthly Webinars are part of a monthly subscription of $33 USD, cancel anytime.

January 7

Sacred Connections with Ancestors, Animals & Plants: A spiritual journey with John Lockley

February 15

The Language of Dreams, part II