Stonehenge, UK
New webinar series starts Tues 30th JUly
Cultivating an Indigenous mind
As our modern world becomes increasingly secular and consumer oriented it is imperative modern people reconnect to their ancient routes, their indigenous soul. The antidote to rampant materialism is soulful practices that place meaning and value on life whether that is plant, animal or mineral. Our ancient forefathers and mothers new this. This webinar series will explore the nature of the indigenous mind and steps modern people can take to embrace this mindset.
The Oxford dictionary definition of the word ‘Indigenous’ says “originating or occuring naturally in a particular place; native. The word comes from the word ‘Indigena’ in Latin meaning ‘a native’. The word ‘native’ means where someone is from but it also implies ‘of the land’. An important aspect of being indigenous is developing an earth based feeling and connection to the land you and your people are from.
We all have indigenous roots. Most of our great grandparents were indigenous peoples from various parts of the world. Indigenous peoples from around the world have a different relationship with time, the environment and spirituality versus modern folks being glued to digital devices and leading structured, domesticated lives. How can modern humans become more balanced and indigenous in their thinking and behaviour? This is an important question and one which will be explored in depth over the next 3 webinars.
Exploring ‘the Indigenous mind’ through looking closely at:
Family & Ancestors - Community and our relationship with one another vs obsession with youth and the individual.
Environment - Using the earth in a sustainable way vs taking without giving back.
Dreams - looking at dreams as omens and messages from the divine to reconnect people to one another and the earth.
Each Webinar runs as a ceremony with a guided meditation, some chanting and an invocation in isiXhosa to lift the energy. They last 75 mins.
John will give a 20 min talk to introduce this month’s theme. People can then ask questions.
NB: These Monthly Webinars are part of a monthly subscription of $33 USD, cancel anytime.
Register to participate in a Global meditation to foster clearer living and more empathic humans.