An African Wilderness Pilgrimage featuring wilderness immersion & primitive trail
Retreat Date: May 18th - 26th 2024
3 Nights sleeping under the stars and following ancient trails through the African bushveld.
Join John Lockley and Massimo Rebuzzi for an unforgettable African adventure in the heart of South Africa, the Kruger National Park.
John and Massimo will guide people for 4 days in one of the wildest places in South Africa.
To learn the language of nature we need to immerse ourselves in body, mind and spirit. John and Massimo will guide people through the African bushveld with everything they need on their backs for 3 days of immersion, initiation & transformation.
This is a fully immersive experience in the wild. We will be sleeping under the stars and walking through the wilderness with everything we need in our backpacks. There will be 2 expert armed guides with you throughout the journey to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.
Learn to track wild animals like lion, leopard, elephant etc. Hear the sounds of the animal kingdom come to life whilst sleeping near an open fire.
The pilgrimage will operate as a ceremony with prayers and intention held throughout the 8 day program. The first few days will be an opportunity to acclimatise the group to one another and the South African landscape. It will also be a time to prepare people for the 3-day trail with everything they need on their backs. People will have an opportunity after the trail for 2 days to integrate their experience.
This pilgrimage is a combination of spiritual or inner tracking, lead by John and trail tracking involving the language of birds and footprints in the sand, lead by Massimo.
Spiritual Tracking – lead by John
Sangoma’s are dream & spirit trackers trained to follow the signs and omens of nature
Participants will have an opportunity to learn about:
Connecting with Ancestors
Animal Spirits
Plant Medicine with non-hallucinogenic plants
Dreaming and how to understand the language of spirit
Teachings based on John’s book ‘Leopard Warrior’ & audio course ‘The Way of the Leopard’.
Trail Tracking – Lead by Massimo
Learn about the plants, animals and ecology of the African bush
Interpretations of animal behaviour
How to read, track and follow wild animals in their natural habitat
How to walk, find water, make fire and operate safely and enjoyable in the African wilderness
The pilgrimage/ retreat will include:
5 nights in a comfortable lodge
3 nights on a walking wilderness trail with expert guides
Daily game drives in open vehicle with expert guides to observe wildlife while staying at the lodges
Transport to and from Johannesburg’s Oliver Tambo airport
A unique experience in the Heart of Africa. Immerse yourself in the wilderness of Southern Africa.
Please email John at or fill out the form below.
John & Massimo on safari
John Lockley’s Biography
John Lockley is a traditionally trained Sangoma (African Shaman) & Healer from South Africa. He has been a Sangoma for over 21 years and has pioneered the bridge between African traditional spirituality and Western Psychology. He was apprenticed and initiated into two different lineages, the Swazi and Xhosa. His Xhosa apprenticeship took 10 years and he was foreseen in a dream by his teacher, MaMngewvu, a senior Xhosa sangoma in the same tribe as Nelson Mandela who invited him to be her apprentice. Today John runs Ubuntu (humanity) and re-wilding retreats worldwide to help modern people reconnect to their ancestors and the wilderness. His retreats are based on his book ‘Leopard Warrior’ and audio course, ‘Way of the Leopard’, both produced by Sounds True.
"To connect to our ancestors is to connect to the tree of life within us. As we do this we attune to the natural world and reclaim our human responsibility as custodians of this planet" – John Lockley.
Massimo Rebuzzi’s Biography
Growing up in South Africa, Massimo’s passion has always been nature in particuar the African wilderness. After training as a safari guide, he has spent the last 20 years in the safari and conservation industry working in wild areas and reserves throughout southern Africa.
Being an accomplished and qualified professional safari guide and tracker, he has developed a passion for facilitating life-changing experiences for people in nature. Massimo has founded African Bush Company which runs safari guide courses to qualify future guides and specialises in running safaris and wilderness trails. The safaris and wilderness trails focus on excellent wildlife experiences, a deeper understanding of nature in and facilitating personal growth.
“To learn about nature is to learn about the nature of ourselves.” Massimo Rebuzzi
Please email John via