Pause, Breathe, Be Here Now is a 10-day meditation series with Ram Dass and other notable meditation teachers that will guide you into the presence of the moment, of the now.
John Lockley was honoured to be invited to participate in this 10 day meditation course. His heart-beat meditation practice will be featured on one of the days. Each day will feature a different meditation teacher. Other teachers include Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Trudy Goodman, Sharon Salzberg, Ramdev Dale Borglum and Lama Tsultrim Allione. 🙏🙏🙏
How this 10-day meditation experience works:
Starting January 16 you will receive a daily email with a meditation (or two) from Ram Dass along with a bonus meditation from one of the teachers from the Be Here Now Network. There are also three dharma talks from Ram Dass that you can visit any time. After January 25, free access to the meditation experience will end. If you want to own the full 10-day program, including bonus lessons and meditations, you can purchase it on Commune for $49 (50% off) for a limited time.