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Alternatives London Talk

  • Alternatives The Columbia Hotel 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS (map)

John will be talking in London at Alternatives.

An African Shamanic Ceremony of Teaching, Joy & Inspiration

The wilderness areas are shrinking around the world at an alarming rate. Southern Africa is dealing with a poaching war with hundreds of Rhinos being killed for their horns. Why is this happening and how can the average person help to turn the tide, prevent species extinction, and increase the abundance of wilderness space around the planet?

John’s message is simple, “we need to inhabit our own inner wilderness through connecting with our bones (Ancestors) and Dreams. The outer world is dying because peoples’ inner worlds are shrinking. Human Beings have become like hungry ghosts because they have lost contact with their soul. Soulfulness can be nourished through an appreciation of nature and our own inner worlds”.

John Lockley is a traditionally trained South African healer and sangoma from one of the oldest shamanic tribes in the world today, the Xhosa nation; the people of Nelson Mandela.

John has just spent two months in South Africa and Botswana researching the animals and man’s impact on the wilderness.

As a traditional shaman John leads his presentations like a ceremony with dancing, singing, drumming and storytelling.

John’s book ‘Leopard Warrior’ and Audio teachings, ‘The Way of the Leopard’, both produced by Sounds True, will be available for purchase and signing on the night.

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