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The Way of the Leopard Ceremony in Santa Fe, NM

  • The Power Path Santa Fe NM 87504 United States (map)

A powerful 2-day workshop/ceremony at the Power Path in Santa Fe Friday, November 1 and Saturday, November 2  with John Lockley, Sangoma, traditional South African healer and author of “Leopard Warrior ”.

The Leopard is one of the most revered totem animals in South Africa. It represents intuitive intelligence, nobility of spirit, and harmony between the spirit and mundane worlds, always dancing between the twilight worlds of light and dark. The Leopard is a powerful  guide to African medicine people and others who want to listen and wake up.

This workshop will be conducted as a ceremony, with chanting, dancing, meditating and a powerful Plant Medicine cleanse by foot bath.  ‘Uvula indlela’ is opening the road to finding purpose or calling in life through listening to the heart and connecting with Ancestors (Spirit Guides), dreams and intuition.

Trance dancing or ‘shaking medicine’ energizes the spine to awaken intuition. “In order to feel like the leopard, we need to move and dance like the leopard”.

This workshop will teach you to:
• Connect with Your Spirits (Ancestors)
• Connect you with Nature
• Connect you to your 7 Senses
• Move through the natural world like a Leopard

$255 ( $225 early bird registration until October 1, 2019) Space is limited. Credit Card or PayPal online.
To register click on the button to the right.

Private Healing Sessions in Santa Fe

In addition to the workshop, John will be available for private one hour sessions on Tuesday, October 29th and Wednesday, October 30th with overflow potentially scheduled on Sunday November 3
You can receive a Divination OR Plant/ Shamanic Healing; You will need to indicate which session you prefer. For plant healing John requires 24 hours to mix the medicinal plants.


As a traditional Sangoma John is a trained ‘diviner’ and he receives messages from the ancestral world through dreams, trance dancing and ‘throwing the bones’.

Each session is a ceremony where John chants in isiXhosa and creates a circle with tobacco and chants the names of your ancestors into the circle. As the bones fall, they create a constellation, representing your life. John will speak about the constellation, your strengths and challenges. In keeping with the Sangoma way, John often gives home-work involving private ceremonies/rituals or meditations you will do on your own.

In this session you place your feet in a mixture of plant medicine and warm water especially created for you ahead of time. You soak your feet for about 20 minutes. During this time John chants in isiXhosa, rattles and encourages you to listen to your heart beat. Heat in the form of either incense or moxa sticks is applied to the soles of the feet to aid the flow of energy.
NB: Plant healing occurs over three days. The first occurs with John, then the plant mixture is given to you and John demonstrates how to use the simple mixture at home for days 2 & 3.

This is helpful for those who are suffering from fatigue, emotional or physical trauma. These plant cleanses are also very helpful to aid in Dream recall. This is one of the primary techniques used by traditional healers throughout Southern Africa to cleanse the spirit and help people connect to their ancestors and dreams.

Throwing the Bones: $201
Plant Healing: $250 (occurring over 3 days)
Cash only.
Session times. 11-12pm; 12:15-1:15pm;  2-3pm, 3:15-4:15pm, 4:30-5:30pm
Tuesday, October 29th and Wednesday, October 30th

To schedule a session please contact Lena Stevens at the Power Path


October 31

Monthly Webinar: Find your Medicine, Reconnect with your Personal Power

November 30

Monthly Webinar: Dreaming to Connect with Personal Power