Events Shilpa Garg Events Shilpa Garg

PaGE2012 in Belgium

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be giving a workshop in Belgium at the Pagan Gathering Europe (PaGE) which only happens every 4 years.

In Events Tags African Spirituality, Ancestors, Belgium, Blessing Ceremony, cross cultural, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Pagan Gathering Europe, Pagans, PaGE2012, South African Traditional Medicine, Xhosa Sangoma

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Sangoma Workshop in Shropshire, UK

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be leading a Sangoma workshop in Shropshire. The workshop will focus on the ancient art of Dreaming, connecting with the Ancestors/ Spirit World, and Medicinal plants.

The workshop will include live African Drumming, Singing and Dancing.

Let your Spirit Soar and your Heart expand...

Sunday will involve private Sangoma Divination Sessions.

In Events Tags Ancestors, Ancient spirituality, Dreaming, John Lockley, Medicinal plants, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma workshop, Shropshire, South Africa, UK, Xhosa Sangoma

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Sangoma Divinations in New York

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

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NYSC Healing Circle

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

12:30 - 3:30 pm (please arrive 15 minutes early) Arte Capoeira Center 1 E. 28th St., Buzzer#3, 2nd Fl. (betw. 5th & Madison)

Donation: $20 Come and join us as we heal together in community.  Please bring a mat, water, loose clothing for movement, drum, rattle and a open heart. You must RSVP for this event at: or call Irma at 718 396-4246

In Events Tags healing group, healing group event, shaman medicine

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6/20: An Introductory Evening on Traditional Xhosa Shamanism and Ancestral Empowerment/Blessing Ceremony

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

7:00 - 9:00pm Come and learn about one of the most ancient shamanic lineages on the planet:  the Xhosa ‘Sangomas’ or ‘People of the Song.’  Get a first hand glimpse into the life of a Xhosa Sangoma, or shaman.  Teaching in the traditional way with drumming, singing and storytelling, John regales us with stories from his home in South Africa as well as stories from the road.

Experience Xhosa medicine and receive empowerment blessings as John calls in the Ancestors through rhythmic song and dance.  Many people from around the world have experienced profound dreams after attending one of John’s blessing ceremonies.

In Events Tags Xhosa Shamanism new york

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6/22: An Evening on Traditional Xhosa Dream Shamanism and Ancestral Empowerment/Blessings Ceremony

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

6:00 - 9:00pm Traditional Xhosa Shamanism & Ancestral Empowerment Blessing Ceremony with Sangoma John Lockley Learn about one of the most ancient shamanic lineages on the planet: the Xhosa 'Sangomas' or ‘People of the Song.’

Get a first hand glimpse into the life of a Xhosa Sangoma, or shaman. Teaching in the traditional way with drumming, singing and storytelling, John regales us with stories from his home in South Africa as well as stories from the road.

Experience Xhosa medicine and receive empowerment blessings as John calls in the Ancestors through rhythmic song and dance. Many people from around the world have experienced profound dreams after attending one of John’s blessing ceremonies.

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6/23-24: A Weekend of Xhosa Dream Medicine & Initiation to the Izinyaya

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

In the Xhosa tradition, each person is seen as being connected to a constellation of Ancestors and spiritual forces. A person’s first relationship is to oneself and his/her Ancestor's/spirit guides.  If this primary relationship is out of kilter, then it will present problems throughout one’s life (i.e. relationships, work, life-path, self esteem, depression, etc.). It is through one’s connection with the dream world that one is able to communicate with one’s Ancestors, spirit guides and soul. If people are not able to remember their dreams over a period of time, then this is seen as an illness.

In this workshop:

  • We will reconnect to the Ancestors through prayer, intention, rhythm and trance dance.

  • Sacred Xhosa sangoma songs, or ingomas, will help people to reconnect with themselves, their community and Nature so as to realize their intrinsic Ubuntu, or ‘humanity.’

  • A highlight of the weekend will be a plant blessing ceremony. A blend of sacred Xhosa herbs will be prepared and offered to each participant to use as a face ‘wash.’ The mixture produces a strong herbal scent and a foamy texture.

It is traditionally used for initiations to help people to ‘see’ the Ancestral world. It will open up a greater awareness to one’s own inner life and because of this, will make participants more vigilant to their thoughts, emotions, dreams and visions.

Sangoma John Lockley will also be doing healing sessions and divinations.

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6/8: NYSC Open Circle

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

7:30 - 10:00pm Learn the basic techniques of core shamanism as you journey to meet your Spirit Guides and Power Animals. Deepen your shamanic practice through drumming, chanting, and movement at our monthly Shamanic Circle.

Please bring a drum or a rattle, a pen & notepad, and a bandanna. You may want to bring a pillow, blanket to use when we journey.

Suggested donation: $20 Please contact Linda for additional information.

In Events Tags shaman new york, shamanic circle new york

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6/9: Plant Healing Ceremony

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

2:00 - 4:00pm The plant healing ceremony is a cleansing ceremony that is traditionally performed in South Africa to help people to 'see' their way more clearly in their lives.  It is a powerful process along the journey of dreaming, and helping people to remember their dreams. The herbs help people to integrate their 'dream time' experiences, and thus strengthen their spirit. People often report feeling invigorated, energized and very calm after these ceremonies.  Your connection to your Ancestors & the dream world will strengthen and bring more clarity, courage, guidance and inspiration to your path/purpose in Life.

John will use a mixture of medicinal plants. These will be placed in water where the client will place their feet. The wash is external, and is completely safe. Please bring the following items to ceremony:

•  Thermos filled with very warm/hot water •  Foot bath/plastic container to soak your feet in •  Towel

In Events Tags plant healing ceremony

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Events Shilpa Garg Events Shilpa Garg

6/10: African Shamanic Yoga

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

Experience the merging of African Shamanic healing + yoga. John Lockley will teach heart beat meditation and yoga postures to facilitate heart opening and consciousness expansion. Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Cost: $40/advance, $45/day of

In Events Tags african shamanic yoga

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6/11: Plant Healing Ceremony

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

6:45 - 9:00pm The plant healing ceremony is a cleansing ceremony that is traditionally performed in South Africa to help people to 'see' their way more clearly in their lives.  It is a powerful process along the journey of dreaming, and helping people to remember their dreams. The herbs help people to integrate their 'dream time' experiences, and thus strengthen their spirit. People often report feeling invigorated, energized and very calm after these ceremonies.  Your connection to your Ancestors & the dream world will strengthen and bring more clarity, courage, guidance and inspiration to your path/purpose in Life.

John will use a mixture of medicinal plants. These will be placed in water where the client will place their feet. The wash is external, and is completely safe. Please bring the following items to ceremony:

•  Thermos filled with very warm/hot water •  Foot bath/plastic container to soak your feet in •  Towel

In Events Tags plant healing ceremony new york

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Lucid Dreaming Meets African Dream Shamanism

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

A unique workshop in Covent Gardens, London with John Lockley & Charlie Morley, a well known Tibetan Lucid Dreaming Teacher.

  • Private Sangoma Divinations Monday 30th April

In Events Tags Ancestral Dream Medicine, Charlie Morley, humanity, John Lockley, London, Neals Yard, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma Medicine, Tibetan Lucid Dreaming Teacher, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, unique collaboration-, Xhosa people

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Events Shilpa Garg Events Shilpa Garg

African Shaman visits San Francisco

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be hosted by the Earth Medicine Alliance in San Francisco.

  • He will be leading an intensive Ancestral reconnection workshop

  • Public talk 1st June & Community Fire ritual 5th June

  • Private Divinations 4th-6th June

In Events Tags Ancestral Blessing Ceremony, Ancestral Dream Medicine, Canada, humanity, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma Medicine, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, Vancouver, Xhosa people

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Plant Medicine Retreat

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be leading a plant Medicine Retreat at the Roundhouse in Massachusetts.

  • Public talk 25th May

  • Private Divinations 29th May

In Events Tags Ancestral Blessing Ceremony, Ancestral Dream Medicine, humanity, John Lockley, Massachusetts, Nelson Mandela, Plant Medicine Retreat, Sangoma Medicine, The Round House, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, Xhosa people

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Workshop in Boulder, Colorado

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be hosted by the Sacred Earth Foundation in Colorado. He will be leading a Sangoma workshop with plant medicine & giving private divinations.

In Events Tags Ancestral Blessing Ceremony, Ancestral Dream Medicine, Boulder, Colorado, humanity, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma Medicine, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, USA, Xhosa people

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Events Shilpa Garg Events Shilpa Garg

African Shaman visits Vancouver

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be giving a public talk & traditional Sangoma blessing ceremony on Friday 4th May.

  • 5th May - One day Workshop

  • 6th & 7th May - Private Sangoma Sessions

In Events Tags Ancestral Blessing Ceremony, Ancestral Dream Medicine, Canada, humanity, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma Medicine, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, Vancouver, Xhosa people

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Ancestral Blessing ceremony in New York

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be performing an Ancestral blessing ceremony in New York with live drumming, dancing and Xhosa singing. He will also be available for private divination sessions.

In Events Tags Ancestral Blessing Ceremony, Ancestral Dream Medicine, humanity, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, New York, Sangoma Medicine, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, Xhosa people

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Sangoma workshop in Bedfordshire, UK

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be giving a talk on Friday at the Clophill Centre in Bedfordshire, followed by a one day workshop on Saturday and private sessions on Sunday.

In Events Tags Clophill Centre, humanity, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma Medicine, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, United Kingdom, Xhosa people

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Sangoma talk/ Blessing Ceremony in Florida, Tallahassee

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be giving a talk/ blessing ceremony with live drumming, singing and dancing where he will be calling his ancestral spirits. This will be followed by a one day Sangoma workshop and private sessions.

In Events Tags 11-11-11, Auspicious date, Florida, humanity, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Sangoma Medicine, Tallahassee, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, USA tour, Xhosa people

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Talk in New York City

John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.

John will be giving a Sangoma talk/blessing Ceremony at the Alignment Center 7:30-9:30pm

  • Private Divination Sessions Fri 4th & Sat 5th

In Events Tags Alignment center, humanity, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, New York City, Sangoma Medicine, Traditional South African Medicine, Ubuntu, USA tour, Xhosa people

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